Sabine Grohs

Communication Coach

Main focus: Marketing, Communikation, Text

Websites/blogs: ,

Languages: German, English, French

City: Bludenz

State: Vorarlberg

Country: Austria

Topics: marketing management

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

I have been a lecturer in Marketing, Communication and Writing since 1999.
Certified Online-Instructor since 2016, lecturing in blended learning / hybrid learning arrangements as well.


Studies of Journalism and Communication at the University Alma Mater Rudolfina in Vienna
Studies of Music and Dramatic Arts at the Music Academy in Vienna

PR and Marketing Activities, Internet, Fundraising and Eventmanagement at Rote Nasen Clowndoctors, Vienna (1996-1999)
Lecturer at Advertising Academy of the Chamber of Commerce of Vienna (since 1999)
WPP plc London/Vienna (2000-2004):
-- Account and Project Management, Unit Director Wireless at Ogilvy&Mather/ OgilvyInteractive for the brands Mobilkom, Ford, dm drogerie markt
-- Account and Project Management at Young&Rubicam/Wunderman for the brands dm drogerie markt, Erste Bank der österr. Sparkassen AG
Marketing Director and Project Management at FAIT Internet Software AG, Vienna (2004-2013)
Marketing Director at CyberGRID GmbH, Vienna (2013-2015)
Owner at GrohsFORMAT, Bludenz (since 2015)
-- Academic Director, lecturer at Diplom-Lehrgang Marketing des WIFI Dornbirn (since 2015)
-- Academic Director, lecturer at Werbelehrgang der epos Akademie, Götzis (since 2015)

Publication of Novels:
Außer Haus. Die Wirklichkeit ist eine Möglichkeit von vielen (2019)
Dönz. So weit man weiß (2021)

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

epos Akademie Götzis - seit 2015

Marketing und Werbung - eine Einführung
Werbeformen und Werbemittel
Konzeption und Kampagnendesign
Botschaftsdesign: Kreativität im Text
Direct Marketing
Internet Marketing und Social Media
Public Relations

This talk is in: German
Diplom-Lehrgang Marketing des WIFI Dornbirn - seit 2015

Marketing und Werbung: eine Einführung
Marketing Grundlagen
Marketing Ziele
Marketing Instrumente
Marketing Konzeption
Coaching Projektarbeit

This talk is in: German
Werbeakademie des WIFI Wien - seit 1999

Mobiles Marketing
Direct Marketing
Web Marketing
Virales Marketing
Kreatives Schreiben
Konzeption und Konzept
Text und Grafik in der Werbung

This talk is in: German