Lisa Fritsch

News anchor radio

Main focus: Voice messages / Media

Twitter handle: @lisafrmedia

Websites/blogs: , ,

Languages: German, English, French

City: Berlin

State: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: podcast

Services: Talk, Moderation, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

1. voice messages or the transfer of information via chats: between oral and written communication - what social benefits do voice messages bring? How do they fit into a model with the forms of communication telephone call, face-to-face conversation and business email? In my master's thesis, I did research on voice messages for several months, conducted many qualitative interviews and would like to present the scientific classification of voice messages on the one hand and their social benefits on the other.
more info here:

Further media topics:
- auditory information transfer - the audio trend with podcasts, radio plays & co.
- Media professions such as radio news anchor / administrative radio officer at a media authority
- Blogging, website creation with Wordpress
- Journalistic forms of presentation on radio, TV and online

2. travelling as a woman: between my bachelor's and master's degrees, I travelled around the world alone for nine months as a 22-year-old. I want to give other people the courage to travel, answer personal and financial questions, and I like to report about my travel destinations like Mongolia, Vanuatu or Hawaii.
I can also share my experience as a Youtuber or Instagramer.
more info here:


Freelance journalist and news anchor, e.g. at Schlager Radio
since 08 / 2021
Consultant for radio and local journalism - media authority Berlin-Brandenburg (mabb)
02 / 2020 - 07 / 2021
Production assistant (student assistant) - ZDF Berlin
2016 - 2019

Media Management B.A. University of Applied Sciences Mittweida
2013 - 2016
Media - Communication - Culture M.A. European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
2017 - 2019

Further info:

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Vortrag über meine neunmonatige Weltreise zu meiner Vernissage (Ausstellung meiner Reisefotographien)
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In einem einstündigen Vortrag habe ich die besten Eindrücke der 14 Länder (u.a. Transsibirische Eisenbahn durch Russland & Mongolei bis nach China, Freiwilligendienst in Kambodscha, Praktikum bei einer politischen Stiftung in Bangkok, Indonesien, Australien, Vanuatu, Hawaii, Kanada), die ich bereist habe, präsentiert. Ich habe über alle Auf & Abs der Reise gesprochen, was ich dadurch gelernt habe und im Anschluss Fragen beantwortet.

This talk is in: German
Moderation der Medienkonferenz "Medienforum Mittweida"
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An- und Abmoderation mehrerer Panels mit ihren Speakern zu medienrelevanten Themen wie in diesem Video "Die Macht der YouTube-Netzwerke"

This talk is in: German