Martha Dudzinski

Managing Partner of SWANS Initiative

Main focus: Lions' Club for Leylas

Websites/blogs: ,

Languages: German, English, Polish, Spanish

City: Berlin

State: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: pr, social impact, diversity

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.


Martha runs the non-profit SWANS Initiative that fights for an adequate representation of women from immigrant families, Black women and Women of Color (BIWoC) in the academic workforce. She gives workshops and speeches on privilege, diversity and feminism.

She previously worked as a spokesperson for Mercedes-Benz Germany, was a desk officer at the Press and Information Office of the German federal government and a freelance journalist (e.g. ARD, ZEIT Online). She holds a Masters' degree im International and European Politics from the University of Edinburgh, a Bachelors' in Political Science from LMU Munich and held a journalism scholarship from Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

SWANS has been awarded by, among others, Chancellor Merkel and the European Economic and Social Committee, received 10k Euros with the Schwarzkopf Million Chances award and 20k Euros as winner of a pitch contest by Social Impact and Deutsche Bank in 2021.

Business Punk Magazine named Martha one of 100 makers, founders and creatives to watch in 2020. Business Insider Germany named her one of 25 "female future shapers" in 2021. Her life revolves around food, dancing and traveling. She lives in Berlin - like the true Swabian she is.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Presse- und Podcast-Interviews (Auswahl)

- Expertin und Interviewee in Podcasts sowie Medienberichterstattung
- Publikationen u.a. NDR,, Handelsblatt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, taz

This talk is in: German
Referentin // Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund

- "Feminar" beim DGB-Projekt "Was verdient die Frau?"
- Thema: Solidarischer Feminismus / Nutzen eigener Privilegien

This talk is in: German
Keynote Speakerin // Bertelsmann Stiftung & Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung

- Impulsgeberin bei der Zukunftskonferenz "Die Arbeitswelt steht Kopf - Wie werden wir morgen arbeiten?"
- Thema: Diversity als treibendes Zukunftsthema für die nächsten Generationen

This talk is in: German