Main focus: How to achieve inner wellbeing and outer abundance with whom you are and what you are most passionate about
Languages: German, English
City: Lengenfeld
Country: Germany
Barbara Jascht is a highly demanded Leadership coach and small business expert who works based on the latest results of brain research and neuroscience. She is the founder of “Mindset System for Success” focused on showing people how they can achieve internal wellbeing and external wealth with exactly who they are and what they are most passionate about. She has dedicated her life to helping individuals, teams and organizations to create and master change. Barbara is known for her authentic and motivating speeches driven by the deep belief that everybody can change his/her life and make the world a better place to live in. She is one of a few entrepreneurs who combines modern business strategies and ancient spiritual knowledge with extraordinary success.
Barbara studied psychology at the university of Vienna. Before she studied classical piano at the Bruckner conservatory of Linz and played for the last two decades all over Europe as a swing pianist. She is a certified business trainer, systemic coach and has a lot of additional certifications.