Main focus: Self-Leadership with IFS
Twitter handle: @EvaMariaScheid
Websites/blogs: ,
Languages: German, English
City: Berlin
Country: Germany
Topics: leadership coaching, leadership 4.0, neuroleadership, internal family systems (ifs)
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
Asking the right questions at the right time so that you can discover connections and thus initiate a change of perspective for the future.
I work as a trainer for conflict competence and as a coach. In the area of sparring, I accompany clients in defining strategies and establishing them in everyday life. I also run a practice as a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy in Berlin.
In particular, working with the IFS (Internal Family Systems) approach enables my clients to find new ways towards selfleadership.
Previously, I managed and accompanied digitisation projects in public administration and large corporations for 25 years. I have led international consulting teams with over 300 employees and managed many change processes.
In my voluntary work, I am serve at EWMD and as mentor.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Impulsvortrag am 01.09.2022 zum Thema Umgang und Beherrschung von Situationen mit akzentuierten Persönlichkeiten oder wie wir „schwierige Menschen“ einfangen (mein Name steht nicht im Programm, denn ich bin nachgerückt)
This talk is in: German
20-Dec-2020. Duration 20 min.
Sharing personal leadership experience and practical insights about my 3 favourite tools for Selfleadership and Neuroleadership.
26-Nov-2020. Duration 2 hours.
Do any of these situations sound familiar?
- How to make giving and receiving feedback enjoyable?
- Getting lost on the way to the new meeting room while on the phone discussing an escalation?
- Getting frantic to meet the deadline?
- Oops, I just missed the core point of the session due to multi-tasking.
- Volunteering and contributing to Open Source - Why do people do it?
- Why do some of the high performers run into burnout and what can I as their leader do about it?
- Taking the wrong turn at the intersection while discussing a difficult situation with the person on the passenger seat?
Join this interactive session by and with Eva Maria Scheid to learn more about the importance of self-leadership and neuroleadership on this journey.
This talk is in: English
Was braucht eine Führungskraft, um erfolgreich virtuell führen zu können?
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