Main focus: gender and race
Twitter handle: @Msanyal
Languages: German, English
City: Düsseldorf
Country: Germany
Topics: gender, body politics
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Dr. Mithu Melanie Sanyal
Author, broadcaster and academic
Born in 1971 in Düsseldorf, Germany, to Indian-Polish-German parents
Studied English and German Literature and Linguistics at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
As well as Literary Criticism at University Duisburg-Essen
And Poetics and Aestetics at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Author and broadcaster for WDR (West German Broadcasting) since 1997
Regular columnist for die taz till 2019, since then regular columnist for SPEX
As well as contributor to various papers and radio stations including: The Guardian, The European, Der SPIEGEL, Norddeutschen Rundfunk, Bayrischen Rundfunk, SWR, RB, RBB, Deutschlandfunk, Deutschlandradio,Frankfurter Rundschau, Literaturen, Missy Magazine, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Konkret, Vice Magazine etc
Lecturer at various universities in the field of gender, body politics and (post)colonialism
Has been awarded the Dietrich Oppenberg Medienpreis three times for her features and radio plays
2009 „Vulva, die Enthüllung des unsichtbaren Geschlechts“ (Vulva the unveiling of the invisible sex) a cultural history of the female genital, Wagenbach
has been translated into various languages
2013 together with #aufschrei („’Ich bin kein Sexist, aber ...’ Sexismus erlebt, erklärt und wie wir ihn beenden“ („‚I’m not a sexist but ...’ sexism experienced, explained and how to end it“) Orlanda
2016 „Vergewaltigung. Aspekte eines Verbrechens“ (Rape. Aspects of a crime), Nautilus
a cultural history of rape
has been translated into Danish, Swedish, Spanish and is being translated into English at the moment
This book has earned her the literary price „Geisteswissenschaften international“
2017 „Vulva“ (New edition with an updated foreword) Wagenbach
2019 „Rape – from Lucretia to #metoo“, Verso Books
2021 Her debut novel "Identitti" will be published in spring by Hanser