Ines Kawgan-Kagan

Managing Director, Mobility Expert, Lecturer

Main focus: Gender and Mobility


Languages: German, English

City: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: gender, accessibility, carsharing

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

- Gender and (innovative) mobility
- Mobility, Transport and Society
- Gender Data Gap
- Car sharing, BEVs, AVs, micromobility
- Mobility planning
- Methods of empirical social research


Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Mind the Mobility Gap Webinar IV: Mobility for All

How accessible is your commute? 🤔 If you're not even sure how to answer, we've got you covered. In your favourite event of the year so far, we’ll dive into the topic of accessible mobility with the one and only Ines Kawgan-Kagan, brilliant researcher, advocate, and founder of the AEM Institute which aims to further accessible and equitable mobility.

If you aren’t living with reduced mobility, you might wonder why, to put it bluntly, you should care. Well, it’s easy to see how getting from A to B is key to fulfilling basic needs, but think about your dreams and aspirations — how much do you need to be able to move within your city, or the world, to pursue them? And we hate to break it to you, but we're all getting older. By 2050, 1 in 3 Europeans will be over 60. Everyone has a stake in accessible transportation.

This talk is in: English
Gender-inclusive mobility

Urban transport is often seen as gender neutral – a road or bus system benefits all equally. But really: it´s not! Women and men have different mobility behaviors, needs and restrictions for using transport. We discuss these disparities together with Ines Kawgan-Kagan, who is managing director of the AEM Institute in Berlin and Sonal Shah from Delhi, founder of the Urban Catalysts. They will give us a better understanding on this topic and how to improve the gender equality in mobility as well as urban spaces.

This talk is in: English
Gender and Mobility
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You ask yourself "What on earth does gender have to do with mobility?"

Surprisingly, a lot. For example, women and men move differently, as they form more trip chains and also tend to use different modes of transport. However, differences are hardly taken into account in practice. It is mainly men who work in this field and they naturally do not think about the needs and requirements of women (and others) as they are not aware of the differences.

In this session, evidence of the gender mobility gap will be presented in this event, whereby we will also address the problem of gender-equitable data sets. Finally, we consider which approaches can be used to plan and design transport and mobility in a gender-sensitive way.

The online session was recorded on April 12th 2021 as part of the Executive School Digital Week.

This talk is in: English
Warum Frauen Zug fahren und Männer das Auto nehmen
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Sind Frauen und Männer anders mobil unterwegs? Und in wie weit wird bei Mobilitätsangeboten darauf Rücksicht genommen? Warum erzielen Umfragen bei Kund*innen und Kunden nicht immer den gewünschten Aha-Effekt? Was könnten Mobilitätsanbietende in Zukunft besser machen?

Ines Kawgan-Kagan, Mitgründerin und Geschäftsführerin des AEM Institute, ist Expertin für Gender- und Mobility-Themen. Im Gespräch mit Björn Bender von der SBB und Andreas Herrmann vom Institute for Mobility der Universität St. Gallen gehen sie unter anderem der Frage nach, warum die Auseinandersetzung mit einer an der Gesellschaft orientierten Mobilität oft viel zu emotional geführt wird.

This talk is in: German
Thriving through Covid and Beyond - WTS Torronto Area Chapter

The pandemic has unequally affected women in employment and their mobility. This panel discussion will raise awareness and an understanding of the impact Covid-19 has had to women, help attendees better understand how women view mobility, and identify policies that address gender to enable women to thrive (both working in the transport industry and as transport users).

This talk is in: English
The female cyclist?

This talk is in: English
Gender and Mobility - how to create better mobility for all

March 8th 2021 is International Women’s Day. To celebrate, Ramboll Smart Mobility has chosen to run a webinar on their new green paper “Gender and (Smart) Mobility” that is being launched that day.

In this webinar, Ramboll will present the report that looks into gender differences in transport and mobility in 7 countries – Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, India and Singapore – through existing available data, expert interviews, an international survey of 3,500 men and women, as well as focus group interviews with women in the 7 countries.

The webinar will include a panel of women and men representing different stakeholders in the transport and mobility sector – EU Commission, government, cities, public transport, private sector and academia. They will discuss the need for and how to include gender when planning and designing mobility solutions in order to create better mobility for all.

The proposed agenda is:

11.00: Welcome and introduction v/ Michael Stevns, Director of communication, Ramboll
11.05: Presentation of “Gender and (smart) mobility” report v/ Market Manager Marianne Weinreich, Ramboll
11.20: Panel debate with:

- Matthew Baldwin, VD of DG Move European Commission

- Karen Vancluysen, Secretary General, POLIS

- Tanu Priya Uteng, Senior researcher at TØI (Institute of Transport Economics), Oslo

- Karin Winter Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration) , and KTH Royal Institute of Technology

- Helen Maalinn, SLL, Public transport in Stockholm County

- Ines Kawgan, founder AEM Institute, Berlin

- Neel Strøbæk, Senior Group Director, Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility, Ramboll Denmark

This talk is in: English