Nadin-Shirin Zimmermann


Main focus: Future -Agility -Innovation

Websites/blogs: , ,

Languages: German, English

City: Munich

Country: Germany

Topics: growth mindset, new work, innovation, design thinking, startup mindset, leadership 4.0, mindset

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

My motivation
• Design Future
• Foster Innovation
• Share Know-How

My skills
• inspiring & motivating
• interactive & integrative
• structured & hands-on

My experience
• Founding & building a startup
• Leader & Projektlead of global teams/projects
• Speaches & tutoring


DESIGNING the FUTURE is Nadin’s motivation. Inspiring and concrete at the same time, she enjoyably takes her audience on this endeavour. Connecting the dots, she easily sets complex socio-economic trends in context, while setting distinguished and targeted impulses for companies and people. Using hands-on examples, she clearly points out potential and options and sometimes even invites all to practice right away. Her long career as leader in global companies is her solid fundament. She proved her innovative and entrepreneurial skill in founding a startup for event videos using A.I. Now she follows her passion to motivate people for change and potential right now and in the future.


3 yrs Startup Founder & CEO
App for automatic event videos using artificial intelligence
- responsible for Business Model, Marketing, Scaling, Fundraising, HR and Finance
- Sales- and Partnermanagement

15 yrs Financial Industry in Germany & GB
- Deputy Head global productmanagement 
(Design & I mplementation of new products and services)
- Lead international projects
- Lead teams in UK, CH and India
- Executive Adviser of the global Strategy Komitee, NYC, USA
- Price- and Contract negotiations C-Suite 

- Agile Coach & Transformation Consultant
- Scrum Master
- Tutor Hochschule München, Munich
Topic: Agility & Innovation in digital transformation
- Teacher Risk Academy, Vienna
Topic: Business Interruption
Rating: constantly top ratings (3 yrs)
- Tutor, Berufsbildungswerk der Dt. Versicherungswirtschaft, Munich
Topic: International Insurance
Rating: constantly top ratings (10 yrs)
- ACII, Chartered Insurance Institute, London
Co-author: Climate Change and Risk Management , 2005
- Diplom Betriebswirtin, Mannheim

- Business Women Society (BWS)
- Global Digital Women (GDW)
- IHK Unternehmerinnen

- 2. Price International Startup Forum, Stuttgart
- 2. Price BWS Frauengründer Pitch, Munich
- Pitch selected startups of the GACC, New York City, USA

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

fixed & growth mindset - CH Pharma Company, global finance managers meeting

Presentation - Provide Context and Meaning 45 min.

Changes in the business environment: 
What’s happening, why is this fundamental and how it impacts me
- VUCA-World
- Socio-economic impacts
- Dynamic factors: technology, data and people

Fixed and Growth mindset by Carol Dweck and Dr. Michael Merzenich 
How our mindset and learning environment effects our brain
-The power of believing that you can improve - Belief, Action, Growth
-Neuroplasticity: effort and difficulty makes neurons growing new connections; you get smarter!
-How to build a growth mindset: Reflect, Challenge Mood, Brain development

Break-out sessions - Discover and experience growth mindset 60-90 min.

Role plays - 6 groups each 8-9 people
Taking advantage of the previous day brainstorming session, the teams develop a learning-oriented framework for these specific tasks/ideas. Basically, sketch the mindset path so these tasks/ideas come true

Introduction: How to deal with Fear: From Zoo Tiger to Jungle Tiger

Group Presentations* 
Exchange the group findings in the plenum applying a growth mindset by presenting differently; e.g. as a act/play, as a rap, or as a poetry or as prototype. The group is to develop their own presentation style.
*Surely, I provide close moderation to create the trust needed for this exercise

Anchor Points - Reflect on insights and set action points 15-20min.

ndividual reflection 
Time for individual reflection to identify personal insights, set action points 

Feedback round
Time boxed group reflection session a` 3 to exchange experiences and insights

This talk is in: English
Agilität & Innovation im veränderten Umfeld der Beratungsindustrie

Hochschule München, Gastdozent im Fachbereich digitale Transformation

1) Taylorism und die Sozio-ökonomischen Faktoren
2) Menschen, Technologie, Daten als die drei dynamischen Treiber der Zukunft
3) Kollaboratiaves Lernen, digitale Tools und der nötige Mindset
4) New Work und agile Organisationsformen
5) Change Prozess im Wandel
6) Vom Know-How zum Know-Who und Know-Why

This talk is in: German