Dr. iur. Katarzyna Schubert-Panecka

Commercial Mediator & Executive Coach

Main focus: Understanding Cooperation

Twitter handle: @Schubert-Panecka

Websites/blogs: http://www.schubert-panecka.eu , http://www.forschungsgruppe-mediation.de

Languages: German, English, Polish

City: Karlsruhe

Country: Germany

Topics: business mediation, business coaching, elder mediation, team coaching

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.


"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."

According to these words of Marie Skłodowska - Curie I love to support the understanding within ourselves and with others.

My name is Katarzyna Schubert-Panecka and I see myself as a bridge builder, socialised in a transdisciplinary manner, mediating and coaching since 2007.

As a lawyer, I learned how to find solutions for my clients. As a business coach, mediator and supervisor, I support my clients in finding clarity and solutions that are sustainable and supportiv for them. Whether as an individual, as a team or as a company. From their understanding and successful cooperation I win satisfaction and trust in a constructive and win-win oriented processes and societies. In the long run.

Doctorate in law, since 2007 self-employed as an international business mediator (DACH), business (team) coach and trainer in the field of intercultural cooperation & communication, management of diversity or equality in the world of work. Co-founder and member of the management team of the Mediation Research Group, spokeswoman for the DACH International Poland Section, editorial member of Perspective Mediation and since 1995 author.