Main focus: Diversity, Democracy, Digital
Twitter handle: @yolandatweets
Languages: English, German
City: Berlin
State: Berlin
Country: Germany
Topics: empowerment, identity, digital cultures, artificial intelligence, diversity in companies, race, decolonisation, community building technology entrepreneurship, bias, diversity in recruiting, diversity in ai
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
I am passionate about bridging the gaps in society - the gender care gap, intersectionality and more. I speak German and English fluently, and moderate in both languages without a problem. I understand the nature of events as I worked behind the stage for many years. I am quick on my feet and believe I add a sense of entertainment and engagement to any event.
Yolanda Rother (she/her) is the co-founder of "The Impact Company", a diversity, audience and culture consultancy. She moderates and speaks on topics related to digital society, politics and open government, diversity, care work and sustainability. The Berlin native is a graduate (Master of Public Policy) of the Hertie School and has lived in Brazil, France and the United States.
- Festakt zum Tag des Grundgesetzes 2023 mit Bundespräsident Steinmeier;
- Osborne Clarke Women Business Circle 2023;
- Frauenpolitischer Rat Brandenburg 2022
- Female Football Academy 2021
- Berlinale / EFM 2023 & 2022
- re:publica Berlin (2018, 2019, 2020)
- Tech Open Air (2018);
- Most Wanted: Music (2019);
- Ashoka Changemaker United Online Summit (2020)
- Each One Teach One (2020)
- Prototype Fund (2020 / 2021)
... and more
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
NECE 2021 - Committed to Change! Reimagining the Future of Citizenship Education in Europe
The NECE conference 2021 is a hybrid event with limited number of participants on site at Les Ateliers des Tanneurs in Brussels and a wide range of online participation opportunities, such as livestreaming, online workshops and digital networking formats.
YOLANDA ROTHER, Europe Lead for Stiftung Zukunft Berlin and the Co-Founder of “The Impact Company”
VICTOR VLAM, Moderator & Communications Coach
This talk is in: English
Every year, the conference focuses on the responsibility of Europeans in shaping the future of Europe. It aims to show how citizens, cities and regions can get involved in Europe. "Europe Bottom-Up!" therefore not only describes our approach but can also be understood as an invitation to give some of one’s own creativity and commitment to Europe.
The 2021 edition of Berlin Conference kicks off on 7 November in Chemnitz, the European Capital of Culture 2025. In three plenary sessions on 8 and 9 November, the public conference days in Berlin will bring together representatives of civil society, arts and culture, and politics to discuss the significance of the "bottom-up" approach for the future of Europe.
This talk is in: English
The absence of Net Neutrality, and the introduction of free Facebook via, was craftily exploited by the new social media army employed by the country's political candidates in the 2016 elections. Fake news and misleading headlines flourished through this, and continues to contribute to an ever growing problem of misinformation online.
This talk is in: English
In dieser Folge dreht sich alles um das Thema “Hass im Netz”, gefolgt von einem weiteren RRRIOT Quarantäne-Beitrag.
Mit dabei sind: Klara Rabl, feed the Troll
Yolanda Rother, re:publica
Beatrice Frasl, Große Töchter Podcast
Moderation: Maxi Lengger