Dr. Anne Graefer

Main focus: Unconscious Bias

Twitter handle: @AnneGraefer

Websites/blogs: https://www.genderiq.de/ , http://bcu.academia.edu/AnneGraefer

Languages: German, English

City: Munich

State: Bavaria

Country: Germany

Topics: emotions, unconscious bias, diversity for leaders, gender bias

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.


Hi, I am Dr. Anne Graefer. I am the founder of GenderIQ, a gender & diversity consultancy based in Munich, Germany. We are working with research institutions and companies of all sizes. My background is in academia. For over ten years I have been teaching and researching gender and digital cultures at UK Universities. My research focuses on the emotional quality of stereotypes & prejudices and is published in two books and numerous peer-reviewed academic journal articles.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Sexism in Science

This talk for the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology explored the multiple ways in which sexism manifest itself in the fields of science & research - ranging from wage discrimination and under-representation of women in leadership positions, over gender bias to sexual harassment in its various forms. It drew particular attention to the gendered history of science while also looking at current data from the UNISafe study about gender-based violence
and its consequences in European Academia.

This talk is in: English
Unconscious Bias: Stolperstein auf dem Weg zu Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Am deutschen Diversity Tag 2023 habe ich einen interaktiven Impulsvortrag zum Thema 'Unconscious Bias' für die gesamte Belegschaft der ARGUS DATA INSIGHTS Deutschland GmbH gehalten. Unconscious Bias ist ein oft unterschätztes Thema. In dem Vortrag konnten wir die sozialen, kognitiven und emotionalen Wurzeln von Unconscious Bias zusammenführen und den Blick auf die eigenen (oft unbewussten) Denkmuster schulen.

This talk is in: German
Was ist eigentlich Unconscious Bias?
Video Thumbnail

Lernvideo aus dem GenderIQ online Kurs 'Unconscious Bias'. Unbewusste Denkmuster beeinflussen täglich unser Denken und Handeln. Dieser online Kurs vermittelt die notwendigen Tools um Bias zu erkennen und wirkungsvoll zu reduzieren. https://www.genderiq.de/elearning

This talk is in: German
Spotting Mindbugs: Why learning about Unconscious Bias leads to better Decisions

This talk is a short introduction to unconscious bias. Dr. Anne Graefer explains what unconscious bias is, why we all have bias and how it influences your decision-making - even when we think we are fair and objective. In the last step, we’ll look at some effective anti-bias strategies that can be helpful if you seek to reduce bias. Anne’s research on stereotypes and prejudices has been published in two books and several articles in esteemed academic journals

This talk is in: English
Unconscious Bias in Research & Science: How Bias holds us back

One of the guiding principles of scientific inquiry is objectivity. Objectivity is defined as the idea that scientific questions, methods and results should not be affected by the personal values, interests or perspectives of researchers. However, science is a human endeavour, and experimental design and analysis of information are products of human thought processes. As a result, biases may be inadvertently introduced into scientific
processes or conclusions. This talk explores the multiple points that invite bias during scientific research.

This talk is in: English
Die versteckten Kosten von Unconscious Bias

Der Vortrag dient als Einstieg in das komplexe Thema 'Unconscious Bias' und zielt darauf ab, Mitarbeitenden auf dieses Thema neugierig zu machen. Im Vortrag klären wir, wie Unconscious Bias entsteht, welche Arten von Unconscious Bias im Arbeitsumfeld häufig auftreten und warum wir besonders unfair sind, wenn wir es nicht erwarten. Der interaktive Vortrag endet mit 6 effektiven Anti-Bias Strategien, die helfen könne Bias zu reduzieren.

This talk is in: German
Fearless Culture Podcast: Masculinity at work

Ein Gespräch mit Dr. Anne Graefer, Wissenschaftlerin, Beraterin für Gender und Inklusion und die Gründerin von Gender IQ über das traditionelle Frauenbild in Deutschland, den Mythos der Rabenmutter und die neue Re-Traditionalisierung zur glamourösen #Hausfrau. Welchen Einfluss diese Stereotypen auf die Wirtschaft und iher Entwicklung haben, was es bedeutet Mann zu sein, Masculinity und die gesellschaftliche Überforderung über die binäre Ordnung hinauszublicken.

This talk is in: German
Managing Working Women’s Double Burden

Exploring how the double burden of working women creates a balancing act that affects many areas of life, including mental and physical health, as well as equality.

This talk is in: English
How Diversity and Inclusion help Startups succeed

“Beyond the obvious excitement of building a new product or service from scratch, startup founders have another incredible opportunity: to define and create a new company culture from the ground up” (Alice Sandelson 2021). In this talk Anne shares knowledge, insight, and best-practice for founders to build diverse and inclusive businesses.

● Understand why diversity and inclusion is important to your startup
● How to make your startup more inclusive at any stage
● What training and development bring to the table

This talk is in: English