Isabella Geis

Main focus: Mobility of the Future

Twitter handle: @IsabellaGeis

Languages: German, English

City: Frankfurt

Country: Germany

Topics: innovation, smart cities, smart mobility, mobility as a service, data governance

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.


I have been an enthusiastic mobility developer and innovator and an experienced KeyNote speaker for many years. I have been a mobility expert at Q_PERIOR since 2019. Here I am responsible for intelligent and networked mobility. From 2015 to 2018, I was responsible for setting up the Mobility Division of the Center for Logistics and Mobility at Fraunhofer IML. Before that, I worked as a scientist at the Chair of Mobility, Retailing and Logistics at Zeppelin University and as an independent project manager. In addition, I am currently doing my doctorate on intelligent transport systems at Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen. I have a Master's degree in Corporate Management & Economics from Zeppelin University and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Bamberg University.

I advise companies, authorities as well as public institutions and cities in the areas of data governance in the mobility environment, development and implementation of mobility strategies, introduction and implementation of mobility and fleet concepts, business development, process optimization, stakeholder management, opportunity risk management or transformation management.