Julia Bauer

Main focus: Presenting on Stage

Website/blog: www.juliabauer.eu

Languages: German, English, French

City: Cologne, Stuttgart, Zurich

Country: Germany

Topics: talk


Whether in Europe, Brasil, China, India or Pakistan - when Julia enters a stage or a screen, the audience is thrilled. Her profound business, political and automotive knowledge combined with an inexhaustible good mood and clear voice makes her the perfect TV and event presenter.

Julia has studied at Munich Business School, the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna, Columbia University and London School of Economics. After an intensive training at Germany's leading private news television channel N24 in Berlin, she has now moved to Cologne to work in front of the cameras of state-owned WDR and auto motor and sports channel.

She has hosted political panels as well as events, business talks, press conferences and galas for the German Federal Bank, Lufthansa, the German Design Award, Mercedes, Porsche, Volkswagen, Audi, Citroen, Federal Ministries, CANON and many more.

Furthermore, Julia teaches communications at major German universities and offers media trainings for improved presentation skills to professional as well as managerial staff.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Showreel Julia Bauer English
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Whether in Europe, Brasil, China, India or Pakistan - when Julia enters a stage or a screen, the audience is thrilled. Her profound business, political and automotive knowledge combined with an inexhaustible good mood and clear voice makes her the perfect TV and event presenter.

This talk is in: English
Showreel Julia Bauer - Ausschnitte N24, Nachrichten, auto motor und sport channel sowie Event, Kongress und Gala
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Julia Bauer ist eine deutsch- / englischsprachige TV-Journalistin, Moderatorin und Sprecherin. Nach ihrem Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Munich Business School und ihrem Master an der Diplomatischen Akademie volontierte sie beim Nachrichtensender N24 in Berlin.

This talk is in: German
Julia Bauer als Moderatorin und Testimonial
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Werbung mit Moderatorin und Reporterin Julia Bauer

This talk is in: German
Julia Bauer - erstmals als Moderatorin bei N24
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Julia Bauer machte ihre TV-Anfänge als Moderatorin und Reporterin bei N24.

This talk is in: German
Julia Bauer - Moderatorin beim WDR
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Julia Bauer moderiert durch eine Reportage beim WDR

This talk is in: German
Julia Bauer - Moderatorin eines Talks in Baden Württemberg
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Julia Bauer als Moderatorin unterwegs in Baden-Württemberg

This talk is in: German