Main focus: Jobs in the creative industrie
Twitter handle: @onandoffer
Languages: German, English, Polish
City: Berlin
Country: Germany
Topics: recruitment, talent assessment, saas
The idea that prompted Juliana Danner to found her own company in 2017 first crossed her mind while brushing her teeth one morning. At the time, the young mother from Berlin was no longer employed as art director, but was working as a personnel consultant for creative profiles. She liked the job, but it did give her some headaches. The processes were frustrating − creative staff complaining about too little work, agencies complaining about a lack of available talent. Juliana Danner sees this from a totally different angle, because she knows that there are enough potential candidates – and also suitable jobs. The real problem is that recruitment principles have not been adapted to the changing market.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
UI/UX Designers Meetup @FLIXBUS
On the one hand the job market for creative professionals offers a huge range of diverse projects with very different demands. On the other hand creative talents have their individual lifestyle and work philosophy.
Bringing these requirements together is a huge challenge – for the companies as well as the candidates.
Only those who know the market and the opportunities it offers, can define concrete goals and gain control over their careers.
Podiumsdiskussion im Bundestag mit
• Michael Theurer MdB, stellvertretender Fraktionsvorsitzender
• Andreas Mundt, Präsident Bundeskartellamt
• Florian Nöll, Vorsitzender Bundesverband Deutscher Startups e.V.
• Juliana Danner, Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin ON AND OFFER