Main focus: digitalized mobility
Twitter handle: @chinhzilla
Languages: German, English, French
City: Berlin
Country: Germany
Topics: product management, mobility, visual communication, design thinking, technology startups, data analytics, public transport
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
Thuy Chinh Duong is passionately working for sustainable future mobility.
She is responsible for product management at MOTIONTAG, a Potsdam-based tech start-up for smartphone-based mobility data analytics solutions. Besides that, she also acts as an innovation coach and consultant for design thinking and visual facilitation, at HPI School of Design Thinking among others. In the past, she has worked for several years in a strategy and management consultancy for public transportation. Chinh's academic background is in mathematics, as well as political science and design thinking, studied in Berlin, Montréal, London and Potsdam.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Session speaker:
Mobility data analytics via smartphone – seamless automatic ticketing, MaaS & more
MotionTag entwickelt Software, die mittels Smartphone-Sensorik in Verbindung mit Machine Learning erkennt, wo, wann, in welchem Verkehrsmittel und sogar mit welchem Wegezweck Menschen unterwegs sind - verkehrsmittelübergreifend. Auf dieser Basis können Betreiber von Verkehrsangeboten das Mobilitätsverhalten ihrer Kunden viel genauer kennen lernen - automatisch, detailliert und live - und so maßgeschneiderte Angebote für sie entwickeln.
This talk is in: German
Representing the German Women in Mobility network in a pitch and marketplace session
This talk is in: German
Presentation: Mobility Data Analytics per Smartphone: Automatisches Ticketing, MaaS und darüber hinaus, 03/2019
This talk is in: German
Humboldt-Viadrina Governance Plattform, Trialoge 2018, Berlin.
Impuls zu Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung für die Verkehrswende, und den Beiträgen der Wirtschaft zu deren Gelingen.
Award presentations - MotionTag was winner in the category "Driving Disruption"
This talk is in: German
Session speaker and Fishbowl Discussion: Apps and beyond
MaaS, Seamless Travelling, Seamless Payment. Wie weit sind wir schon mit der Smart Mobility? Wo klemmt es noch? Wo wollen wir hin?
How to fix mobility – start-up ideas from Germany
This talk is in: German
- Start-up Pitch in Area C - Start-up Connector
- Presentation in Climate-KIC city-planner workshop
Panel Discussion at CeBIT 2018, Hanover
Together with Mathias Trénel, Zebralog, and Ingmar Dathe, MOIA
Start-up pitch at Transports Publics 2018, Paris.
Smartphone-based seamless ticketing for public transportation and beyond.
Winner of the Grand Prize of the Jury, as well as the category prize "Resources and services for operations".
Poster presentation at Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2018, Vienna.
Together with Paula Ruoff, KCW, and Marcel Buffat, ecoplan.
Digital tools like journey planners and mobile ticketing apps are adopted by more and more users and seen as key enablers to making multimodal travel choices easier. This paper looks at success factors for establishing a highly integrated mobility app. By analysing and comparing levels of integration across different axes for mobility apps as well as geographical coverage and user adoption figures, we identify common types and evolution paths. The findings suggest that vertically integrated apps tend to be limited to one mode and in terms of geographic coverage. Widely used apps often integrate travel information with other functions and have wider coverage, but show low vertical integration levels. If increased multimodal travel behaviour is linked to using mobility apps, then a strategy pursuing wide user adoption may be more successful than building strongly integrated platforms in the first place. This has implications for public and private initiatives looking to build their own app or sharing their data and cooperating with others.
This talk is in: English
Session moderator at KCW Forum Public Mobility, Hypermotion 2017, Frankfurt.
30. Deutscher Logistik-Kongress, 2013, Berlin
Together with Florian Strenge, What Would Harry Do?
Session at Barcamp Bonn 2017.
Presentation of comparative study on horizontal and vertical integration in mobility platforms, and interactive ideation workshop on the perfect mobility app.
Together with Sophia von Berg and Coco Heger-Mehnert.
Presentation at d.confestival 2013, Potsdam, Global Challenge about Design Thinking in the field of redesigning cities.
Winning idea in the Bombardier YouCity open innovation contest 2012, in the category city planning.
Together with Hanna Martus, Axel Menning, Jérôme Morin-Drouin, Florian Strenge.
Pecha Kucha talk at taz.lab 2013, Berlin - "erfindet!":
about the design thinking mindset, the collaboration and innovation culture at What Would Harry Do? and their mission.
Together with Eva-Maria Zoll, What Would Harry Do?
Moderation of a Design Thinking workshop, Frismakers Festival 2013, Berlin.
Together with Philipp Breil and Johannes Puschmann, What Would Harry Do?
Executive education programme for transportation professionnals; module about potentials for digital transformation
This talk is in: German