Main focus: Fashion App PO & Podcast Host
Twitter handle: @julesantkowiak
Languages: German, English, Spanish
City: Stuttgart
State: Baden-Wuerttemberg
Country: Germany
Topics: women in tech, it, e-commerce, female empowerment, podcast, app development, digital retail, future of shopping, luxury goods, mobile ux
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Shop whatever you like - How to create a personalized mobile shopping experience
This talk is in: English
Monatliches Update zu den aktuellen Social Media Trends und Hypes auf der Social Media Night des Social Media Club Stuttgart.
This talk is in: German
Impuls-Vortrag: "Influencer – Blah. Platzt 2017 die Influencer-Blase? Warum es nicht mehr reicht, den hippen Creator ein Produkt vor die Kamera halten zu lassen und warum sich dennoch der Einsatz von Meinungsführern lohnt."
This talk is in: German
Praxis-Talk auf dem ersten Influencer Marketing Forum in München: "Influence your home - Wie LG Electronics sein Home Appliances Segment insta-worthy in Szene setzt"
Interview zum Vortrag:
This talk is in: German