
be sva

Main focus: privacy, encryption, internet

Twitter handle: @sva

Languages: German, English

City: various in mid-EU

Country: Germany

Topics: digital security, open source, open web, encryption, open source software, privacy, security, floss, cryptoparty, hackerspaces, crypto payments, email, hacker, history of the internet, hackspaces, new internet, online protection


sva is part of the board of the Chaos Computer Club and (co-) founded, mentored and organized various hackspaces and -events, not only CCC/C3-events but also hillhacks.in and hackbeach.in in India. She is part of the cryptoparty core-team and wants to implement mass encryption with the Swiss p≡p foundation to create privacy by default for everyone. She holds a diploma in social/cultural anthropology, philosophy and computer science from Munich.

sva used to work with wood but ended up playing an active role (e.g. as member of the board) in the one of the oldest hacker associations in the world, the Chaos Computer Club & its conferences. She also (co-) founded and mentored various hackspaces, and might be know among hackers in India for her work on kickstarting the idea of hackercamps like hillhacks.in and hackbeach.in.

Besides she held multiple cryptoparties and is a member of the cryptoparty-admin-team. Today sva continues working on the goal to have privacy by default for everyone together with the Swiss p≡p foundation. She holds a diploma/master in social/cultural anthropology, philosophy and computer science from Munich.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Keynote - Linuxtag Augsburg
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This talk is in: German
Taler - Independent one click payment system

GNU Taler is an online payment system that uses Chaum's blind signatures to provide robust unbreakable privacy for customers along with accountability for merchants. Taler avoids the the performance issues that plague Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus-based solutions, and is developed entirely as free software, enabling groups outside the usual financial system to deploy online payments.

This talk is in: English
Taler - Independent one click payment system

(30 min)
GNU Taler is an online payment system that uses Chaum's blind signatures to provide robust unbreakable privacy for customers along with accountability for merchants. Taler avoids the the performance issues that plague Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus-based solutions, and is developed entirely as free software, enabling groups outside the usual financial system to deploy online payments.

These two features, along with GNU Taler being developer entirely as free software, allow Taler to provide far cheaper transactions than the existing financial system, or block-chain based alternatives. In particular, Taler can realistically be deployed by groups outside the usual financial system.

In the 30 minute presentation, we will give a demonstration of Taler. In the subsequent workshop we invite Web shop developers to sit down with us to work together on adding Taler support to your Web shop or Web site.

If desired, we can explain the internals of the Taler protocol, including how it accomplishes goals such as partial spending and anonymous refunds.

This talk is in: English
p≡p ≡ pretty Easy privacy
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p≡p motivates a new standard to securely encrypt and verify written communications without reinventing the wheel: p≡p eases secure communications relying on well-established end-to-end cryptographic methods by design. Following standards like OpenPGPG or OTR it integrates into existing systems for written digital communications and automating key management tasks.

p≡p's protocols automate the steps taught to users at cryptoparties, to protect their personal security and privacy by default. For easy integration of p≡p into application programming we provide very simple APIs because ultimately p≡p wants to change the default: from unencrypted, unverified and unanonymized to encrypted, verified and anonymized.

We support multiple platforms, multiple languages, multiple crypto technologies and multiple message transports. We will offer a Peer-to-Peer, End-to-End and device based secure synchronization of keys and configuration that is regularly audited Open Source and Free Software.

This talk is in: English
Why Privacy and How?
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"But I have nothing to hide!" That's what most people think. Are you sure? What about all the services you use for free, don't you think the service provider has to spend money on that, and that he needs to earn it somehow? We will show some alternatives and also how easy it can be, to put your messages in a virtual private envelope as you use to do with messages on paper.

This talk is in: English
Faking of Fingerprints
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A brief presentation on how easy it is to fake a fingerprint. Afterwards you can get hands-on. Fake a fingerprint yourself and take it with you to your home.

This talk is in: English