Natalie Beyer

Main focus: practical machine learning

Twitter handle: @natalie_lavrio


Languages: German, English

City: Karlsruhe

Country: Germany

Topics: women in tech, big data, python, consulting, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science, ai, ki, bias in ai

Services: Talk, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  I don't want to talk for nonprofit.


As a founder of the Data Science Consultancy I help our customers from data to decisions. With the tools of machine learning we are able to predict future events on the basis of the past data.

Talks: DigiTalk about ChatGPT and the technology behind it, developher: talk about explainable AI, Big Data BBQ: talk about a real project, DigiTalk about our AI consulting

Podcasts: KI und Coaching, Was kann KI?

Business: strategic workshop at a DAX enterprise, innovation event at a medium size enterprise

Professional conferences: mlconf, PyConDe2017

As a psychologist I care a lot about my listeners understanding and that there is enough room for questions and ideas. Yes, you read correctly: I am a Psychologist and am therefore able to code and to extract information out of data.