Katharina Seehuber

Main focus: Female startup founders

Website/blog: http://letsyalla.de

Languages: English, German, Hebrew

City: Munich

Country: Germany

Topics: tourism, leadership, holocaust, startup, startup mindset, female founders, jewish history, travel


"Katharina was giving so many ideas and links to further thought in only 45 minutes! I wish we'd had more time".
Female visitor of a coaching format during hercareer 2017, www.hercareer.de

Katharina is combining two very different professional worlds in her biography, but if you have a closer look they actually fit together very well. Her capability to simplify complex topics, influenced by her former career in education, make it very easy to follow her, her narration skills are entertaining and charming.

Already while studying education with a focus on German, history and politics Katharina happened to found a startup in the area of tourism. Her company is supporting airlines in selling unsold flight tickets short term before departure to spontaneous travelers by targeting the needs of a young, mobile and worldwide connected generation through a mobile-only concept. With her being CEO, Katharina is extending her expertise in the areas of founding, startups and their mentality, leadership and business development every day. At the same time she's naturally collecting a broad experience in the field of female entrepreneurship with all its positive and negative sides, getting to know structural influences and the peculiarity of being a female boss in a male business world.

Just a short while after the founding period, Katharina was also starting a PhD project in the field of Jewish history, supported by the scholarship of one of the most influential German foundations, the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation. Exemplifying the city of Munich, Katharina is conducting a macro- and microhistorical analysis on the emigration of German Jews during the Nazi period. This currently unique approach of statistical and biographical research is showing a variety of perspectives on the phenomenon of (forced) Jewish emigration.

In her spare time Katharina is volunteering as mentor and coach for students and young founders. She is also currently building up a women's network and supports a second one, intending to give female colleagues the support that she is still missing sometimes. For relaxation she turns to action sports: freeriding in the Bavarian alps in winter, kite surfing in summer.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Gründung und Selbständigkeit - Die Basics. Die drängenden Fragen. Die Chancen.

Im Rahmen eines Community Evenings der Münchner Female Future Force leitete Katharina einen Themenworkshop: Gründung und Selbständigkeit. Gerade vor oder am Anfang dieser spannenden Phase stehen die Gründerinnen und Selbständigen vor entscheidenden Fragen: Was muss ich beachten? Was kommt auch mich zu? Welche Fähigkeiten benötige ich, welches mindset, und wie kann ich mich gut auf die kommende Phase vorbereiten? Bin ich überhaupt der Typ dafür? Und wie wird mein Alltag aussehen - falls es einen gibt?
Diese Fragen und die darunter lauernden Themenstellungen, vor allem zum mindset und zu möglichen Herausforderungen, wurden in einem interaktiven Workshop behandelt. Einem Impulsvortrag schloss sich eine intensive Arbeitsphase an, in der Fragestellungen aus dem Teilnehmerkreis erarbeitet und diskutiert wurden. Katharinas Rolle war die einer Moderatorin, aber auch Beitragenden von eigenen Erfahrungen und Einsichten.

This talk is in: German
Female Founders: Erlebnisse, Strukturen, Zukunftsaussichten.


Auch 2017 noch gibt es viel zu wenig weibliche Gründer, Statistiken beweisen dies immer wieder aufs Neue. Es sieht so aus, als stünden wir noch ganz am Anfang eines langen Prozesses, um Frauen zum Gründen zu motivieren und die Strukturen und Arbeitswelten schaffen, die sie dabei unterstützen.
Doch wo stehen wir eigentlich aktuell? Wie ist die Situation für Gründerinnen? Unsere Stipendiatin Katharina Seehuber, die selbst gegründet hat, berichtet in einem dialogorientierten Werkstattbericht über ihre Erfahrungen mit vorhandenen und fehlenden Strukturen, ihre Erlebnisse als weibliche Gründerin sowie ihre Meinung zu den Zukunftsperspektiven.

This talk is in: German
Beginne am Ende. Eine Hilfestellung für professionelle (Neu-)Anfänge.

Aller Anfang ist schwer, sei es bei Selbständigkeit & Gründung, zu Beginn des Berufslebens oder beim Wechsel in neue Positionen oder Unternehmen. Dieses Karriere-MeetUp gibt einen Impuls für die persönliche Vorbereitung auf einen (Neu-)Anfang. Auch wer sich gerade mitten in einem Anfang befindet, ist herzlich willkommen: Das Meetup bietet Platz zur Reflexion. Konkret wenden wir eine Übung Stephen R. Coveys an, die uns helfen wird zu verstehen, wo wir letztendlich landen möchten, welche Vision in uns steckt und wie wir dorthin kommen.

This talk is in: German
Wer bin ich, und wenn ja: Wie mache ich das? Selbst- und Fremdbild im persönlichen und professionellen Kontext: Erkennen, beeinflussen, nutzen.

Am Anfang neuer Phasen (Berufseinstieg, Gründung,…) finden wir uns in unbekannten Themen und überfordernden Situationen wieder, die uns mit der eigenen Unsicherheit konfrontieren. Kann ich leisten, was gerade verlangt wird? Im Meetup diskutieren wir einerseits über Wege, sein Selbstbild zu erkennen und das Wissen darüber bewusst zu nutzen, andererseits über das Fremdbild (Wie sehen Andere mich?) und seine Beeinflussbarkeit, um uns so gestärkt und selbstsicher neuen Aufgaben zuwenden zu können.

This talk is in: German
TravelCam TV
Video Thumbnail

Katharina Seehuber, Mitgründerin der App Let's Yalla, stellt diese vor und erklärt die Möglichkeiten, die der Nutzer damit hat.

Kategorie: Reisen & Events

This talk is in: German
Migration, Youth, and Knowledge (2): How Unaccompanied Minors Experience Forced Migration – A Comparison of Current and World War II Refugees

This panel discussion seeked to compare the experiences and the scope of knowledge of Unaccompanied Minors in flight and emigration situations during World War II and in contemporary migrations.
Two historians and a sociologist focus on the question of how unaccompanied minors influence their migration process by generating, shaping and sharing knowledge and acting in points of decision making. The result? Migration situations show fascinating similarities, no matter if 80 years ago or during contemporary times. Young migrants influence their migration, no matter their age, and work actively in shaping their fate. We should not underestimate the understanding that these minors have in regard to their own situation - and should also keep in mind that historical situations can be used for comparison to nowadays urgent questions.

This talk is in: English
Reduce the scale to increase the insights. Microhistory and its use for Jewish Studies.

Microhistory as a research method is as natural as it's powerful. A certain topic can be analyzed in a deep way, showing reasons, backgrounds and consequences, by reducing the research scale, meaning by zooming in to a single event, location or individual. For Katharinas research field, the Holocaust studies, Microhistory has the additional effect of showing the victims of the Nazi persecution, his or her personal story. This shifts the focus from a history of persecutors towards individual fates, giving the victims back their face and their dignity.
Katharina's speech was focused on Microhistory as a method, it's promises and pitfalls, as well as showing its use in a brief case study.

This talk is in: English
The Cahnmann family – Representative of possible emigration paths.

In order to touch an audience and to be understandable, history needs to offer identification points. Microhistory as a historical method to zoom in to individual experiences and stories is fulfilling this exact task.
In order to understand the situation that Jewish emigrants found themselves in before, during and after their emigration, the range of decision-making options and the different ways out need to be shown. The Cahnmann family is representing the variety of alternatives: Even though all of its members had similar starting points, their emigration paths turned out to be very different in all possible ways. Their example justifies the microhistorical turn that historians had recently taken - only by showing the details, the bigger picture becomes understandable to us.

This talk is in: English