Melanie Gollin

Main focus: Music, Radio, Pop Culture


Languages: German, English

City: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: music & media, popular culture


Has been a music journalist for ten years, six years of that with award winning Berlin radio station FluxFM. Started out as a writer at unclesally*s magazine, worked for various blogs and college radio before settling for Berlin.
Daily business: Finding and helping newcomer artists, music research, editing daily popculural news for radio and print.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Radio kills the Internetstar
Video Thumbnail

Wie bringt man seine Band ins Radio - ohne die Hilfe von Labels und Plattenfirmen.

Listening Panel Norway Calling

Feedback, Tipps und Hilfestellung für junge Bands.

Releasing in Germany

Wie schafft man es in Deutschland als Band zu touren/ im Radio stattzufinden.

Nordic Playlist Radio Bar - Nordische Musik

Radiosendung/ Vortrag über skandinavische Elektromusik und über feministische Popmusik aus den nordischen Ländern.