Janine Langlotz

Main focus: Digital Strategy

Twitter handle: @lngltz

Website/blog: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janinelanglotz/

Languages: German, English

City: Leverkusen

Country: Germany

Topics: content strategy, digital strategy, content management, channel strategy, editorial management


As head of digital strategies at Bayer, I'm part of the corporate communications team. I currently work on our channel strategies for several websites and social media channels, on our social listening strategy as one driver of Bayer's content strategy and on the digital transformation of our department. From 2013-2016 I've been the chief editor of bayer.com, the online financial reports and the online research magazine of Bayer.

I'd love to share my experience in the following areas:
- Content strategy (plan, publish, measure, optimize)
- Channel strategies & channel management (web & social media)
- Team management & workflow management in digital communications in big, complex companies
- Cross-media content management
- User experience management

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Nachhaltigkeits-Kommunikation auf Corporate Websites

- Wie kommuniziere ich Nachhaltigkeitsthemen auf der Corporate Website?
- Wie sorge ich für Reichweite meiner Themen?
- Wie mache ich meine Themen anschlussfähig für die Verbreitung in sozialen Netzwerken?