Main focus: Nourishment on all levels
Languages: German, English, Spanish, French
City: Wien
Country: Austria
Topics: mindfulness for executives, mindfulness in schools, sustainability
What nurtures us? E V E R Y T H I N G that we take in through our S E N S E S represents nourishment for our body and soul. However only seldom we are aware of it.
To develop an awareness for it provides an unexpected potential in energy and strength.
No bird flies the way a human works. At the beginning of the working day we start - ideally - loaded with energy, we survive in the course of the day with the help of coffee and long towards the evening when we can relax and refill our tanks. A bird knows he needs to continously gather energy, in order to be able to spend it. Probably his huge advantage is - he thinks less, he just does as nature tells him.
After 20 years in the financial services industry in the management of several banks, the founding of my own compyn "deli bluem" in the area of sustainable gastronomy, today I dedicate myself to the (re-)search of answers to the following questions:
What nourishes my soul and my body?
How do I have access to this nourishment - in the context of my working day or at school?
How does my choice of food influence my - and others - well-being?
How does my nourishment interact with every cell in my body?
How does my choice of food influence the environment, our home - our ecosystem?
This search connects the dots in the life - the topic of Sustainable Development was important to me already at young age when I wrote my thesis back in 1993 on "The role of institutions in the fostering of Sustainable Development".
Today I think, that the role of every single one of us, who is A W A R E of his/her role is so much more powerful. t achieve this awareness E D U C A T I O N and C O M M U N I C A T I O N ist required. This is the place I invest myself in.
Andrea Vaz-König
born in in Santiago de Chile on February 17th1971
raised in Vienna, Austria since 1978
1994 Graduated from University of Economics of Vienna
1995 - 2006 held different management positions at Bank Austria Creditanstalt / Unicredit in Vienna, Ljubljana and Kyiv in the areas of Corporate Banking, Project Finance, International Finance
2006 - 2009 Managing director at Fortis Bank in Vienna (today BNP)
2009 - 2013 Managing director for Corporate Banking at Bawag PSK
since 2013 Corporate Advisor
since 2014 Founder & CEO of the sustainable gastronomy concept "bluem" represented by "deli bluem" and "bluem im museum"
since 2016 Founder & CEO of the platform "bluem minds" which offers solutions for executives in companies and schools for increasing mindfulness with our bodies, brains, souls & environment
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Vortrag und Kochworkshop rund um das Thema pflanzliche Ernährung. Mythen entmystifiziert und klare Empfehlungen für eine genussvolle, gesunde, bereichernde Ernährung
regelmäßig bei deli bluem
Die Bedeutung von Mut - Begeisterung - Resilienz für das Gründen und Führen eines Unternehmens