Kris Howard

Main focus: Diversity in technology

Twitter handle: @web_goddess


Languages: English, German

City: Sydney

Country: Australia

Topics: agile, startups, creativity, entrepreneurship, career crafting, e-textiles, blogs, web, startup culture, web development, internet of things, mobile web, career development, social media, diversity in technology, networking, crafting, craftivism


Kris Howard has been building websites in one form or another for over twenty years. She’s been a developer, a business analyst, and a manager at technology startups in the UK and Australia, most recently at Canva in Sydney. She now heads up Developer Relations for YOW Conferences, meeting and working with developers around Australia. In her spare time she knits and sews, hacks on her personal sites, and helps organise events for the local Girl Geeks chapter. Her Instagram account is pretty much all selfies and food.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Knit One, Compute One
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Talk delivered at in Hobart in Jan 2017

Granny was a Hacker
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Lightning talk delivered as part of TEDxMelbourne 2016.

Taking the Management Leap
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Talk delivered at YOW! West in Perth in May 2016.

The Tyranny of the Business Card
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Talk delivered at the Melbourne Dream Collective Career Summit in October 2015.

Responsive Ads - This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things... Yet

Talk delivered at the March 2015 Web Directions Respond conference in Sydney.