Mirjam Stegherr

Journalist, Senior Consultant, Moderator

Main focus: Media & Communications

Twitter handle: @mirjam_stegherr

Websites/blogs: www.mirjam-stegherr.de , https://www.linkedin.com/in/mirjamstegherr/

Languages: German, English

City: Bonn

Country: Germany

Topics: moderation, leadership, public relations

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

Personal note:

I am a moderator for mostly German-speaking events on various topics and always with a certain twist.

My lectures and workshops deal with all questions of communication, for example media relations, agenda setting, integrated communication and crises.

I'm based in Bonn, but at home all over Germany and Switzerland.


For 20 years, my working world has revolved around media, politics and communication. After holding senior positions in journalism and PR, I started my own business in 2016. As a journalist, moderator and senior consultant, I help with those tasks that have always excited me: good topics and the right twist to tell them.

As a consultant, I pay particular attention to what stories say and how they have a socio-political impact.

I write articles mainly about the world of work, leadership and communication. As a volunteer and freelance writer, I am passionate about digitization. For Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. I was on the supervisory board.

I moderate events regularly, especially for public institutions, associations, trade unions, NGOs and federal ministries.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

IU Live Talk: Arbeitsmarkt und Weiterbildung nach Corona
Video Thumbnail

Für die IU Internationale Hochschule habe 2021 ich einen Talk zum Thema Arbeitsmarkt moderiert. Es war ein hybrides Format: Ein Gast wurde virtuell zugeschaltet, das Publikum war ebenfalls online.

This talk is in: German
Aktuelle Artikel

Ich schreibe regelmäßig Artikel für die Magazine Human Resources Manager und KOM. Die meisten Texte erscheinen im Print-Magazin. Auf LinkedIn verlinke ich Beiträge, die auch online stehen (Publikationen).

This talk is in: German
Der Ausverkauf des Privaten Wie Unternehmen ihre Zukunft verspielen

Auf der Privacy Week in Wien habe ich 2017 darüber gesprochen, wie wichtig Privatheit ist und warum es sich lohnt, in den Schutz der Privatsphäre zu investieren.

This talk is in: German