Tanja Schneider

Main focus: sociology, food studies

Twitter handle: @taschn

Website/blog: https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/persons/6249

Languages: German, English

City: St. Gallen

Country: Switzerland

Topics: sociology, food studies, popular culture, consumption


I'm a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the Institute of Sociology, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland, and maintain active research affiliations with the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology (ISCA) and the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society (InSIS), both at the University of Oxford, UK.
In 2012, I co-founded the Oxford Food Governance group. As a team we have studied the ways in which new information and communication technologies shape activism and food governance in Europe. ​
I'm also interested in the production of knowledge about consumers in market(ing) research, in particular neuromarketing, from a science and technology studies (STS) perspective​ and have recently co-edited a special issue on 'Neurosciences beyond the laboratory' in the academic journal 'BioSocieties'.
In a new research project, entitled 'Venture Food', I investigate the nature and dynamics of the uptake of venture capital in food and food-related settings at the forefront of developing novel materials, technologies and business models affecting food production and consumption.