Main focus: Feminist Popculture
Twitter handle: @FrauKorbik
Languages: German, English, French, Italian
Country: Germany
Topics: pop culture, feminism, simone de beauvoir, european integration
Julia Korbik (*1988) is a freelance journalist and author based in Berlin. Her main topics are politics and pop culture from a feminist point of view – even better if they're embedded in a European and/or French context.
Korbik studied European Studies, Communication and Journalism in France and Germany. This earned her a French-German Double Diploma.
In 2014 Korbik’s book “Stand Up. Feminismus für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene“ (engl. Stand Up. Feminism for beginners and advanced learners) was published at Rogner & Bernhard’s (now: Kein & Aber).
Korbik is an active part of cafébabel, the multilingual European online magazine: in the Berlin local team, as vice-president of the Babel Association Germany and as founder and executive editor of Mind the Gap, cafébabel’s column for feminist and gender issues. cafébabel aims to give young Europeans a voice, e.g. with its latest report project “Balkans & Beyond”.
In 2016 Korbik created the Blog “Oh, Simone“, which is dedicated to French writer and philosopher Simone de Beauvoir.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Vortrag auf der Soirée der DGB Frauen „Gleichstellung in drei Akten. Gestern, heute, morgen. Die Rolle der Gewerkschaften“ zu 100 Jahren Frauenwahlrecht (6. März 2018, Sophiensaele Berlin)
This talk is in: German