Main focus: Digital transformation
Twitter handle: @BarEngels
Websites/blogs: ,
Languages: German, English, Spanish
City: Köln, Berlin
Country: Germany
Topics: creator economy, digital gender gap
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
< b > short version < /b >
Research on the impact of digital transformation on economy and society at German Economic Institute, data protection coordinator and IT steward // Consulting on digital transformation // Economist with strong econometric background // Several years of experience as journalist and editor // Data protection officer (TÜV)
< b > long version < /b >
Barbara Engels, economist (Bachelor and Master of Science Economics/VWL), born in Erlangen in 1988, works as a researcher in the field of structural change and competition at the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW; german Economic Institute). Prior to that, she worked as a consultant at the German-Israeli Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Tel Aviv, where she promoted cooperation between German and Israeli SMEs. She studied economics at the Humboldt University in Berlin, at New York University and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, and received extensive journalistic training as part of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation's journalism promotion program.
In her work, she specializes in the effects of digital transformation on economy and society. Among other things, digitalization topics such as data protection, cybersecurity, data economy and platform economy play a role.
She has already given numerous presentations at scientific conferences and workshops, as well as to foundations, associations and companies in Germany, Canada, Italy, Belgium and Slovenia.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Live Interview auf Englisch für den IAA Mobility Visionary Club: Warum Start-ups und Mittelständler kooperieren sollten
This talk is in: English
Moderation einer Podiumsdiskussion
This talk is in: German
Digitalisierung in Handel, Handwerk, Gastronomie - und Verwaltung.
This talk is in: German
Vortrag auf dem DatenTag der Stiftung Datenschutz.
This talk is in: German
IW-Ökonomin Barbara Engels über die Ergebnisse der Studie "Bedeutung von Standards für die digitale Transformation – Befunde auf Basis des IW-Zukunftspanels".
This talk is in: German
Die Sharing Economy ist eine Bereicherung für die Wirtschaft und weniger eine Gefahr - ein Interview.
This talk is in: German
#LiNoEcon young economist Barbara Engels stresses the responsibility of economists to provide society and decision makers with precise and profound analysis as well as useful guidance
This talk is in: English
In this video, #LiNoEcon young economist Barbara Engels explains why the Lindau Meeting motivates her to follow her path and to do more research.
This talk is in: English
Impulsvortrag und Podiumsdiskussion (hier ein Statement nach der Veranstaltung)
Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung München
Ein Großteil der Unternehmen in Europa sind schon einmal Opfer von IT-Kriminalität geworden, wie eine Studie zeigt. Die EU-Kommission startet jetzt eine neue Initative, um die Sicherheit im Netz zu erhöhen. Bis 2020 erhofft sie sich aus Öffentlicher-privater Hand Investitionen von rund 1,8 Milliarden Euro. IW Köln-Digitalexpertin Barbara Engels erklärt, warum Unternehmen IT-Kriminalität noch immer unterschätzen.