Anett Gläsel-Maslov

Teacher, Consultant

Main focus: Education & technology

Twitter handle: @ideentraeger

Websites/blogs: ,

Languages: German, English

City: Bochum

Country: Germany

Topics: augmented reality, public relations, social impact, learning & innovation, innovation, technology, public speaking, woman in tech

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.


Anett is a PR Consultant and former Senior PR Manager of Metaio, the Augmented Reality Company. She is passionate about VR and AR and has deep knowledge about international PR for startups as well as medium sized tech companies. She gives advice in regards to successful international launch strategies & market influencers and implements your PR strategies for augmented and virtual reality experiences – worldwide.
Since 2019 she's a teacher for German and Englisch and consults educational institutions.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

re:publica 2018: Augmented Reality – Reasons why AR will be the next battleground

Keiner der Techgiganten, der nicht längst um die Vorherrschaft auf dem Schlachtfeld der virtuellen Realitäten kämpft. Die letzten drei Jahre waren vom Virtual Reality-Hype bestimmt, doch das heißt nicht, dass nicht in geheimen Laboren und mit den besten Entwicklern der Welt, längst die nächste Stufe der erweiterten Realität entwickelt wird: Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple. Sie alle entwickeln Augmented Reality - so viel ist sicher. In diesem Vortrag erfahrt Ihr, warum das Rennen um die Technologie unsere Sicht auf die Dinge der Welt verändern wird und mit welchen Anwendungen die schöne, neue Welt des Marketings bereits heute einen Blick in die Zukunft bekommt.

This talk is in: German
Google Munich Women Techmakers

Google's Women Techmakers program provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology.

My talk was called "I'm an alien - An unsual story of a woman in tech" giving insights into an unsual vita and experiences I made in the tech industry.

DLD Women Munich 2014

The secret of Augmented Reality (AR) is, that it´s very easy to use. It gives the user a concrete image of an idea, is exciting and entertaining – the recipe for success.

Some companies already use AR for advertisement, for instance IKEA, LEGO, McDonald´s, Audi and more. The question is: What else can be realized? The technique makes it possible to create a new reality, a mixture between the material and digital world. A camera recognizes real world pictures and collimates them with virtual information – simply with smart phones or smart glasses.

Future questions of AR-publishment are inter alia the decision between programming vs. non-programming, online vs. offline and own app vs. app-browser. While the AR-technique will establish itself in the advertising strategies, these questions are going to be answered.

DIGILITY 2016: Creating Marketing and Public Relations for the Next Big Thing

Keynote at DIGILITY 2016 in Cologne, September 23:
This talk covered the Do's and Don’ts in communications for companies that market products and services for emerging technologies and gave insights into effective international PR and Social Media strategies for VR and AR. How do you effectively communicate technology concepts that no-one has seen before and how do you bring them to the masses?

Kopfkino 08: Kurze Erklärungen zu AR, VR und MR
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Was bedeutet Virtual Reality? Was ist nochmal Augmented Reality? Und wie passt da der Begriff Mixed Reality in die Welt? Nach den zwei Gesprächen mit Frank Eilers zu virtuellen Messen und Netzwerken in der Zukunft folgt nun der passende „Grundlagenbeitrag“ mit Anett Gläsel-Maslov. Zusammen plaudern wir über die Begriffe, deren Abgrenzung und wohin die Reise damit gehen kann.

This talk is in: German
Re-publica 2014
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Lightning talk at re-publica 2014, representing Metaio.

Quereinstieg in den Job: Das Erfolgsbeispiel von Anett Gläsel-Maslov

Von der Expertin für Virtual Reality hinters Lehrerpult: Diesen Weg ist Anett Gläsel-Maslov gegangen. Im Interview erklärt sie, warum sie sich für den Quereinstieg entschieden hat und worauf Quersteiger achten müssen, um glücklich und erfolgreich zu sein.