Christine Kühnel

Main focus: Energy transition

Twitter handle: @XtineKuehnel

Languages: German, English, Spanish

City: Berlin

Country: Germany


I studied business and engineering, specializing in electrical engineering and information technology.
Since 2010, I am commited to the german section of friends of the earth ( BUND ). Thus, I have joined the debate of energy policy and climate protection. As chairwoman of BUND Berlin I participated as an expert in the creation of the Berlin energy and climate program and was a member of the Commission of Inquiry New energy for Berlin. My main topic is the efficient implementation of energy policy in a metropolis .
Professionally, I am concerned with the issues of science policy , transdisciplinarity and stakeholder dialogues .
Other topics include : impact of lignite mining in the Lausitz ( keywords Spreeverockerung and sulfate pollution of the river Spree ) , climate protection in the city