Hannah Bahl

Main focus: Generation Y

Twitter handle: @H_Bahl

Website/blog: http://www.hannah-bahl.com

Languages: German, English

City: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: digital natives, content marketing


Hannah Bahl is a journalist, writer and generation Y expert based in Berlin. She graduated from Zeppelin University January 2013, including a semester abroad at California State University at Channel Islands. She has a classic journalism education and started working for the local newspaper Westfälische Rundschau the age of 16. She continued working as a music and cultural journalist at Radio Welle20 at Zeppelin University. From there she went to New York to intern at the famous indepent East Village Radio. Back in Germany she did an internship at the Radio Station WDR5. After graduating she started interning for the german music magazines Musikexpress and Rolling Stone in Berlin, where she tried to find out if todays music journalism resembles in a way the music journalism idea of “Almost famous“ (unfortunately it doesn't). She worked at a lot of festivals and loves being on the road. Right now she is pursuing her Masters Degree in Anthropology at Humboldt University working for the Startup Guide Berlin and the awesome people from Mit Vergnügen.