Main focus: Graphic- and Editorialdesign
Languages: German, English
City: Bremen, Hamburg, …
Country: Germany
I'm a mentor
I’m a co-operator
I’m a catalyst
Andrea Rauschenbusch is a graphic designer with high standards of form, content and play. Born and raised in Hamburg she got her diploma in 1991. Since 2000 she is a professor for visual communication exploring todays models of identity. She loves to design printed matter throughout a wide range of formats with high standards of storytelling, image and typography. During her personal studies she teaches internationally, e. g. in Cairo, Alexandria and Wellington. From 2007 to 2009 she was vice-rector of the University of the Arts Bremen. Since 2012 she is a member of the Advisory Council for Art of the German ministry of finance.
From 2005 to 2010 Andrea Rauschenbusch together with diverse student teams developed e. g. the magazine VIER for the University of the Arts Bremen, an outstanding type of an university's publication. Until 2014 she and her students succeeded as well in the development and design of a cultural publication Die Zeitschrift der Straße, a street magazine sold by needy people in Bremen. The excellently series of printed magazines and its communication won about 20 highly recommended international awards including five TDC Awards for Typographic Excellence in NYC.
Andrea Rauschenbusch has an integral vision of design, its processes and responsibilities in its entirety. In 2007 she initiated BEYOND IDENTITY with the long-term German-Egyptian collaboration asking for intercultural, unprecedented mutual understanding. BEYOND TAHRIR followed 2013 as well as numerous individual publications together with her Masters studio Culture and Identity at University of the Arts Bremen. Her approach and attitude led to outstanding and successful editorial work — conceptualised, designed, edited and produced from within the Masters studio Culture and Identity led together with her colleague and renowned German photographer Peter Bialobrzeski. The latest publication Crisis — What Crisis is about Athens and its future in Europe. The mediated opinion criss-crosses the personal and subjective visual investigations of the works of 14 young people, for whom the idea of Europe was not a vision or possibility, but a reality. The work will be published in November 2015 (exhibition and edition).