Main focus: Online HR Marketing
Twitter handle: @LutzEva
Languages: German, English
City: Heimat: München, Vorträge in Deutschland, Österreich und in der Schweiz (DACH)
Country: Germany
Topics: social media recruiting, candidate journey, social recruiting, keynote speaker, employer branding, train the trainer
Besides working as Interim HR Manager, I love to work as a trainer for HR professionals.
via eMBIS GmbH: Social Media for HR:
via Management Akademie der Sparkassen Finanzgruppe:
Quite recently I realized that this started actually in 2001 when designing and delivering an in-house HR training - just to get my colleagues inspired, to share knowledge and learn from each other´s unique experience. I named my first program "tool time" to reflect my education to work as carpenter. Having convinced my boss - thanks to Klaus - the HR department met for an hour once a week to learn from each other - a team member provided some slides about his/her hottest HR topics / projects ever done.
It´s great to work based on my strength, as a motivator, inspirator, maximiser. Besides that Gallup Strengthfinder tool showed my talent in wooing people. In the end my basic setting is, that everything is connected – what turns out great when networking.
My current training (2 day´s) is called "Social media for HR". It´s based on communication and cooperation, employer branding, changing role of HR professionals, social recruiting, what it means to be authentic as a part of a company...
Just check the seminars stated below or contact me to find out more:
Mob: +49 152 34002465
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Keynotes für DIE ZEIT Chancen & Karriere, Workshop Online-Personalmarketing:
"Candidate Journey - Was wir für das Employer Branding aus dem Bereich Multi Channel Kommunikation lernen können"
Offene, bundesweite Seminare für eMBIS GmbH, Akademie für Online Marketing:
Personalmarketing Online – effizientere HR-Strategien durch Social Recruiting und Employer Branding
Praxisseminar für ISWA, Märkte sind Gespräche:
"Facebook, instagram, twitter als Kommmunikationsinstrument zur Mitarbeitergewinnung"
Impuls-Vortrag für Social Secrets
"Schulterblick und Du machst klick"
Eröffnungsvortrag für OVERBECK Job Lounge
"Unter der Lupe: Dialog, Authentizität und user generated content"
Social Media für Personaler
Eröffnungsvortrag und Podiumsdiskussion für die Firmenkontaktmesse der Hochschule Weihenstephan, Triesdorf Connect
"Social-Media und e-recruiting"