Main focus: Social Business // Happiness
Languages: German, English
City: Berlin
Country: Germany
Topics: applied positive psychology, centered leadership, happiness, human development, mckinsey, social business, social entrepreneurship
Dr. Kerstin Humberg is the founder of 'Yunel', a mission-driven start-up in Berlin. Yunel aims to ‘make happiness work’ based on Applied Positive Psychology. Before embarking on this endeavor in January 2015, Kerstin worked as a Business Consultant for McKinsey & Company in Hamburg (2006-214). As a Senior Engagement Manager she developed sustainability strategies and social business solutions for public, private, and social sector clients in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Since 2011 Kerstin also serves the German Karl Kübel Foundation as a Vice Chairperson and Member of its foundation council. Being a former journalist and business consultant, she supports the foundation’s overall strategy development and communication efforts. Kerstin is a trained journalist and certified consultant in Applied Positive Psychology. She also holds a PhD in Economic Geography from Cologne University. Her dissertation focused on ‘Poverty Reduction through Social Business' in Bangladesh. During her field research she joined Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus and companies such as Group Danone and Veolia Water in their effort to develop sustainable business solutions for the poor. Before joining McKinsey in 2006, Kerstin studied Geography, Political Sciences, and Psychology in Hamburg and Granada. For her research and reports she received various journalism prizes and academic awards – lately the KfW Bank’s Prize for Excellence in Applied Development Research and the German Study Award of the Körber Foundation.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Vortrag im Kontext der Frühjahrskonferenz des Bundes Katholischer Unternehmer (BKU) in Speyer am 13./14. März 2015 in Speyer
Presentation in the context of the 'Global Social Business Summit' (GSBS) in Mexico City in November 2014.
Short interview given after a speech held at the OECD Headquarters in Paris in the context of the OECD Development Debates in 2014.
Vortrag im Rahmen des Entwicklungspolitischen Forums an der Universität Göttingen im Dezember 2012
Armutsbekämpfung in Bangladesch mit Hilfe von Social Business.
Gabor Paal im Gespräch mit der Geographin und Journalistin Dr. Kerstin Humberg.
SWR2 Impuls vom 2.09.2011
Pecha Kucha presentation about Yunel - and how happiness and imagination can accelerate positive change. The presentation was held on Day 2 of the Global Social Business Summit in Berlin (November 6, 2015).