Dr. Claudia Neusüß

Main focus: Gender Diversity. Change.

Website/blog: www.compassorange.de, www.claudia-neusuess.com

Languages: German, English

City: Berlin

State: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: mentoring, social innovation, social entrepreneurship, change management, gender mainstreaming, coaching, diversity and unconscious bias, co-creation leadership

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.


Processes of change as well as start-up and innovation oriented pro­cesses are my pas­sion. I guide and sup­port them in my professional roles as coach, consultant, speaker, (social) entre­pre­neur, trainer, as well as a change agent in civil-society. Diversity is an important aspect of my work. Brin­ging together and lin­king people of dif­fe­rent origin, natio­nally and inter­na­tio­nally, are an important ele­ment of my work. To enhance the emer­gence of some­thing new as well as to sup­port people’s abi­li­ties to learn and grow, are inte­gral to my work.

Through my long-term pro­fes­sional work expe­ri­ence I became acquainted to work inter­na­tio­nally - as a member of the exe­cu­tive board of Hein­rich Boell Foun­da­tion being respon­sible for inter­na­tional poli­tics and coun­tries in the global south as much as through my mul­tiple and diverse acti­vi­ties as coach, trainer and tea­cher in Poland, Austria, China and on Cyprus.

The thread that winds through my pro­fes­sional bio­graphy is the abi­lity to cri­ti­cally reflect and act upon exis­ting gender rela­tions. I spe­cia­lize in focu­sing on the deve­lop­ment of gender com­pe­tence and the import­ance of diver­sity in com­bi­na­tion with orga­ni­za­tional and indi­vi­dual stra­te­gies to over­come gender hier­ar­chies. Strategies and approaches like gender main­stre­a­ming or inter­cul­tural mana­ge­ment are part of my working focus.

I co-founded and held a long-term chair posi­tion at “Wei­ber­wirt­schaft”, a coope­ra­tive society for woman and esta­blished a busi­ness center for women in Berlin. Both of these expe­ri­ences deci­si­vely coined my enga­ge­ment wor­king for social and sustainable busi­nesses within the con­text of diver­si­fied teams.

As visi­ting pro­fessor at the Tech­nical Uni­ver­sity (TU) of Berlin in the Eco­no­mics and Mana­ge­ment Depart­ment (2009-2012), at the Girne American University (North-Cyprus: 2007-2008), as a lecturer i.e. at the Rosa-Mayreder College (Vienna: 2005-2012) and the university of Duisburg-Essen (2006-2007) I was con­cerned with the deve­lop­ment of key com­pe­tences of future experts, exe­cu­tives and lea­ders as well as with the advan­ce­ment of Social Entre- and Intra­pre­neur­ship in research and learning.