Main focus: Protest & visual culture
Languages: German, English, Spanish
City: Berlin
State: Berlin
Country: Germany
Topics: memes & digital culture, political protest & activism, far-right movements, migration & (anti)racism, visual culture & communication
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
Why do people protest and how do social movements work? How do right-wing extremists and populists try to mobilize for hate? And how do images influence our political perception and power relations? I do research, write texts, speak and exchange knowledge on panels and in workshops. My approach is transdisciplinary: between social science, cultural studies, art and communication. I am particularly fascinated by the intersectio of politics and (visual) popular and everyday culture. My thematic expertise includes right-wing mobilization on the internet (e.g. memes), feminist movements as well as migration and (anti-)racism.
I currently live in Berlin as a freelance political and communication scientist. For eleven years I have been researching, teaching and working practically on political conflicts and protest as well as visual communication and art. I wrote my doctoral thesis at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (Cluster of Excellence "Normative Orders") and at the New School for Social Research, New York City. Previously, I studied Peace and Conflict Studies/International Politics (M.A.) and Political and Communication Science (B.A.). In addition to my academic career, I worked for NGOs and associations as a project manager in international conflict and dialogue and in an international residency program for politically persecuted artists in exile. I also curated art exhibitions and was trained as an illustrator. In my doctoral thesis, I researched visual practices of resistance and domination using the example of street art in Latin America. My book "The Aesthetics of Rule and Resistance. Analyzing Political Street Art in Latin America" was published in 2022 by Berghahn Books, New York.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Podiumsdiskussion der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (RLS) am 5. April 2024 in Berlin
This talk is in: German
Radiointerview für Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Kompressor, 30.1.2024
This talk is in: German
Radio-Interview bei Deutschlandfunk Nova, 4.4.2023
This talk is in: German
Vortrag bei der Konferenz “On Direct Action”, Queen Mary University of London, Februar 2024
This talk is in: English
Fernseh-Interview für WDR Aktuelle Stunde, 19.12.2023 (ab Min. 3)
This talk is in: German
Beitrag bei der Vortragsreihe „Anti-Rassismus – visuelle Strategien in Wissenschaft, Populärkultur und Kunst“, Universität Siegen, Lehrstuhl Mediengeschichte/Visuelle Kultur, Juni 2021
This talk is in: German
Beitrag beim Das Nettz-Community-Event „Delete Cache: Was Zivilgesellschaft und Tech für ein Netz ohne Hass tun können”, bUm Berlin, Mai 2023 (mit BAG "Gegen Hass im Netz")
This talk is in: German
Vortrag bei Pictoplasma: Conference and Festival of Contemporary Character Design & Art, August 2021
This talk is in: English
Vortrag auf der Tagung „Auf die Straße! Politischer Protest in Deutschland“ der Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, Hamburg, Juni 2021
This talk is in: German