Lonnie Jasper

dramaturgy, curation, network design, editing

Main focus: artistic co-thinking

Website/blog: https://www.lik-kollektiv.com/

Languages: German, English

City: Berlin

State: Berlin

Country: Germany

Services: Talk, Moderation, Consulting, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.


Lonnie Jasper is a Berlin-based dramaturg, curator, and network designer. As a social scientist (BA) and dramaturg (MA), Lonnie is convinced that sustainable theater structures require reflection on their maker’s social position and responsibility.
Most recently, Lonnie co-curated the Artist Lab “performing for peers” to evaluate emerging professionals’ aesthetics and audience relationships. Before this, they were a project manager at the Alliance of International Production Houses (HAU Berlin, Kampnagel Hamburg, and others), where they were responsible for curating qualifying, networking, and consulting formats for the independent performing arts.
Lonnie developed the documentary object theater piece “und samstags staubsaugen” with Josephine Hock, was co-host of the podcast “umgedacht” on power at the theater for young audiences, and led the organisational team of the international student festival UWE with Jana Gmelin. They are a concept advisor for communication and feedback methods for artistic practice in collaboration with Flugwerk (Berlin) and Geheime Dramaturgische Gesellschaft (all over Germany).

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Artist Lab "performing for peers"

Co-Leitung und Moderation eines künstlerischen Labors zum erschwerten (post)pandemischen Berufseinstieg in den freien darstellenden Künsten

This talk is in: English
Panel "Dennoch - zur Lage der freien Künste"

Speaker*in zu den Bedingungen des freien Produzierens mit Fokus auf nachhaltige Künstler*innen-Unterstützung in einer gelingenden Stadt-Land-Bund-Förderarchitektur aus Perspektive selbstständiger Berufseinsteiger*innen

This talk is in: German