Mona Mur

Sängerin, Musikerin, Produzentin, Sound Designerin

Themenschwerpunkt: Game Audio, Musikproduktion

Twittername: @monamurofficial


Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch

Stadt: Berlin

Land: Deutschland

Themen: music production, game audio, live entertainment

Ich biete: Vortrag, Moderation, Beratung, Interview

  Ich bin bereit, für eine Veranstaltung zu reisen.

  Ich bin nicht bereit, für gemeinnützige Zwecke kostenfrei zu sprechen.


MONA MUR ist seit den 80ern international bekannt als Sängerin, Komponistin und Designerin elektronischer Klänge und Soundeffekte für Filme und interaktive Medien. Ihre Musik findet sich in Computerspielen wie "Kane & Lynch2: Dog Days" (EIDOS/SQUARE ENIX), "BALLANCE" (Atari) oder "Velvet Assassin" (UbiSoft Japan) sowie in Filmen von Fatih Akin ("Gegen die Wand"'), Monika Treut ("Genderation") und Rudolph und Werner Herzog ("Last Exit: Space"). Mona Mur war Speaker auf der Game Developers Conference - GDC - in San Francisco, Electronic Arts DICE Stockholm, MIGS Montreal, Quo Vadis Berlin, Filmsound Hamburg und v.a.

Vorträge / Referenzen:

An Interview With Mona Mur PLAYER TWO

Mona Mur on her groundbreaking work developing music from ambient sounds for the AAA Shooter "KANE & LYNCH 2: Dog Days" (EIDOS/SQUARE ENIX) developed by IO Interactive, Copenhagen.

Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
The Art of Non-Music - Crime Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days and its Industrial Terror Ambience

Experimental Sound Research in a AAA major international project:
The action title "Kane & Lynch2:
Dog Days" (IO Interactive/EIDOS) features an original score of psychological
ambient soundscapes instead of conventional ingame music. Over 300 minutes of
abstract, disturbing and complex noise and ambient layers from various unusual
sources create the desired "driving but opressive" atmosphere. "Normal" music only
appears when anchored in the scene. "If we are successful, the audience willperceive this as a game without music, but with a strong sense of the mood in the
environment". (Karsten Lund, Game Director)
1. The background - Industrial Music in the early 80s
2. The mission - "Youtube", "Reality 2.0" : crime shooter "Kane & Lynch 2" and its"Industrial Terror Ambience"
3. The art of noise - how to create a great variety of environmental non-music
4. The workflow - how to brief your external composer well
5. Ideal and reality - Resume
Takeaway: The lecture suggests a "Reality 2.0" audio concept for more mature game titles and genres, gives film- and pop culture references, shows how to createa huge variety of c and recommends ways of communication between developer and
Intended Audience: The session is targeted at game developers, producers, art
directors, publishers, but also at composers, sound designers and audio directors.
There is no profound prerequisite audio-technical knowledge requested but a strong
interest in game audio and the fundamental effects of sound and music in audiovisual
art and media is necessary.
Eligible Passes: All Access Pass, Main Conference Pass, Audio Pass

Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch