Irma Mastenbroek

Founder / researcher

Themenschwerpunkt: Collaborative inclusive AI

Webseiten/Blogs: ,

Sprache/n: Niederländisch, Englisch

Stadt: Berlin

Bundesland: Berlin

Land: Deutschland

Themen: machine learning, artificial intelligence

Ich biete: Vortrag, Seminarleitung, Beratung, Interview

  Ich bin bereit, für eine Veranstaltung zu reisen.

  Ich bin bereit, für gemeinnützige Zwecke kostenfrei zu sprechen.


Irma Mastenbroek is an associated researcher at the AI & Society Lab of the Humboldt institute for Internet & society and the founder of LODelle, an open source, coding platform to collaborate on gender inclusivity in AI. With a professional background in education, she aims to empower others by teaching (self)compassion, skill and critical thinking.

In her Mathematics Bachelor at Utrecht University, she specialized in mathematical algorithms and explainable AI, with a minor in Operations Research (UvA) and a minor in Computer Science (UU). In her Masters she focussed on neural networks, recommendation algorithms and knowledge graphs.

Since her teenage years, Irma has been politically active and societally engaged. Ranging from political youth organisations to board sport societies, she is eager to engage with others, to collaborate and organise. Alongside LODelle, Irma is connected to Hippo AI, altruistic data trustee and open-source AI accelerator for the Health sector.