Ferdous Nasri

Bioinformatikerin und haupt-organisatorin von code curious

Themenschwerpunkt: Diversity in Tech

Twittername: @ferbsx

Webseiten/Blogs: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ferbsx/ , https://codecurious.org

Sprache/n: Englisch, Deutsch, Portugiesisch, Persisch

Stadt: Berlin

Land: Deutschland

Themen: python, machine learning, diversity in tech, bias in ai

Ich biete: Vortrag, Moderation, Seminarleitung, Beratung, Training, Interview

  Ich bin bereit, für eine Veranstaltung zu reisen.


Ferdous is a developer, Bioinformatician, and the lead code curious organiser; which is a non-profit organization offering free programming workshops to women, non-binary, and trans people without any background knowledge in coding. She contributes to many OpenSource projects including diversitytickets.org, which helps conferences reach a more diverse audience, and has co-authored two programming books. She is a feminist, music lover, and fascinated by different languages; a total travel aficionado!