Themenschwerpunkt: Zusammenhalt, Gender, Sexismus
Twittername: @solvejgwolfers
Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch
Stadt: Berlin
Bundesland: Berlin
Land: Deutschland
Themen: humor, diskriminierung, discourse analysis, fußball und sexismus, fußball und (anti-)diskriminierung, sport und geschlecht, gender und sprache, teamzusammenhalt, sprachwissenschaft, soziolinguistik, rassismus
Ich biete: Vortrag, Seminarleitung, Beratung, Training, Interview
Ich bin bereit, für eine Veranstaltung zu reisen.
Ich bin bereit, für gemeinnützige Zwecke kostenfrei zu sprechen.
seit 01/2023: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
seit 05/2022: Referentin für Workshops zu diskriminierungssensibler Sprache im Sport, KickIn!
02/2021 – 12/2022: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institute of English Studies, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
09/2014 – 08/2015: PR-Juniorberatung, Brandzeichen, Hamburg.
09/2013 – 08/2014: PR-Volontariat, Blume PR GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg.
04/2012 – 08/2013: Projektassistenz, DER FEINSCHMECKER, Hamburg.
02/2012 – 03/2012: Praktikum, DER FEINSCHMECKER, Hamburg.
04/2017 – 03/2021: Doctor of Philosophy, Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick, England (gefördert durch das Cusanuswerk).
10/2015 – 09/2016: Master of Science, Intercultural Communication for Business and the Professions, University of Warwick, England (mit Auszeichnung).
10/2010 – 10/2013: Bachelor of Arts, Kulturanthropologie und Italienisch, Universität Hamburg (Durchschnittsnote 1,87).
09/2000 – 06/2009: Abitur, Alexander-von Humboldt Schule, Neumünster (Durchschnittsnote 1,7).
08/1996 – 07/2000: Grundschule, Lindenschule, Bordesholm.
Gastvorträge, Workshops und Panels
- “Being a female researcher in a male and masculine world. Reflecting on the role of gender and sexual identity when collecting ethnographic data in the sports context.” (Dezember 2021, Seminarreihe zur Zukunft der Sportwissenschaft, University of Brighton, Online)
- “Doing public talks and academic conferences: Some personal experiences and useful advice.” (Juli 2021, 23rd Warwick International Conference in Applied Linguistics, Online)
- “Gender violence in sport: What is it and how do we tackle it?.” (Oktober 2021, FARE Football People Festival, Online Expert*innen-Panel)
- “Team cohesion & sports teams: How team members negotiate cohesion through humour.” (September 2019, Workshop as part of a one-day symposium on applying linguistics to sports coaching for coach developers of UK Coaching hosted by the Sports Culture and Communication Research Collective (SCCRC), England)
- “About 'Blacks who can't dance' and 'being something pleasing to the eye' - Racialised and gendered discourse in a German professional football team.” (November 2018, Universität Münster)
- „Grenzüberschreitungen im Team: Wenn aus Spaß Ernst wird.“ (April 2018, Fußballverein „Anonymous II“)
- “Banter, Racism & Acculturation: Intercultural dynamics in team sports.” (November 2017, SIETAR UK, London, England)
- “’Man that is so funny’ – Negotiating group membership through humour rejection among members of a professional football team.” 46. Österreichische Linguistik-Tagung - ÖLT2021, Online Konferenz
- “‘Endlich mal wieder was für's Auge wieder‘: Erfahrungen einer weiblichen Forscherin im Männerfußball. ” F_in Netzwerk Frauen im Fußball, Online Vortrag und Diskussion.
- “Negotiating team cohesion through processes of inclusion and exclusion. An ethnographic study of a professional football team.” 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA2021), Online Konferenz
- „Die diskursive Konstruktion von Grenzen durch fehlgeschlagenen Humor – Eine ethnographische Studie einer deutschen Profi-Fußballmannschaft.” ALP Jahrestagung, Online Konferenz
- „Exploring Team Cohesion Through Humour. An Ethnographic Study of a Professional Football Team.” 27th Australasian Humor Studies Network (AHSN) Conference, Online Konferenz
- "Learning the limits of appropriateness: Failed humour among members of a professional football team and its impact on group membership." International Conference on Verbal Humour (CIHV2019), Alicante, Spanien
- "Challenging the status quo - the positioning of female researchers in the footballing world". Opening Keynote: 3rd Annual Conference of The Football Collective, Glasgow, Schottland
- "Female researchers in masculine dominated contexts. A case study of German professional football". Cusanuswerk Graduiertentagung: "XX/XY ungelöst. Geschlechteridentitäten und Rollenerwartungen", Cusanuswerk, Deutschland
- “’Are you the Black who can’t dance?’ – Identity construction and racial humour in German professional and elite football.” British Sociological Association Sport Study Group Postgraduate Forum: Sporting Identities, Careers and Opportunities, Durham University, England
- “’At last - something pleasing to the eye!’ - Experiences of a female researcher looking into male professional and elite football.” 10th International Gender and Language Association Conference (IGALA 10), Gabarone, Botswana
- “’Did You Have Yummy Cats for Breakfast?’ - Racial Humour in German Professional and Elite Football.” ZfA International Conference, Berlin, Deutschland
- “Dealing with racial stereotypes in German professional and elite football. What discourse analysis can contribute.” 2nd Annual Conference of The Football Collective, Limerick, Irland
- “’Just because he's black’. Racial Humour and Identity Construction in a German U-19 football team.” 15th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA2017), Belfast, Nordirland
- “Racial Humour and Identity Construction in a German U-19 football team.” 20th Warwick International Conference in Applied Linguistics (WICAL), Coventry, England
- Wolfers, S. (2022). Critical reflections on ethnographic data collection in the highly gendered environment of male football. Gender and Language, 16(1), 52-74.
- Wolfers, S. (2021, May 6). Let’s talk about sex (and gender). Erfahrungen einer weiblichen Forscherin im Männerfußball [Blog post].
Wolfers, S. (2021). Self-directed racialized humor as in-group marker among migrant players in a professional football team: “Dude, just draw the racist card!”. In P. Brunssen & S. Schüler-Springorum (Eds.), Football and discrimination: Antisemitism and beyond (pp. 97-110). Routledge.
- File, K., Schnurr, S., Clayton, D., Wolfers, S. & Stavridou, A. (2020). Focus on coach talk [Booklet].
- File, K., Schnurr, S., Clayton, D., Wolfers, S. & Stavridou, A. (2020). Exploring the processes of emergent leadership in a netball team: Providing empirical evidence through discourse analysis. Discourse & Communication, 15(1), 98-116.
- Wolfers, S., File, K. & Schnurr, S. (2017). ‘‘Just because he's black’’: Identity construction and racial humour in a German U-19 football team. Journal of Pragmatics, 112, 83-96.
- Clayton, D. & Wolfers, S. (2017, November 2). Banter, racism and acculturation: Intercultural dynamics in team sports [Blog post].
- Bachelor Vorlesung, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg: Introduction to English Linguistics
- Bachelor Seminar, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg: Sociolinguistics
- Bachelor Seminar, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg: Language, Communication and Discourse
- BA Gastseminar, Universität Münster: Understanding race and gender in sociolinguistic research - An ethnographic study of a German professional football club.
- MSc Seminar, University of Warwick: Researching the Workplace
- MSc Seminar, University of Warwick: Researching the Workplace
- MSc Seminar, University of Warwick: Globalisation and Diversity in the Workplace
- MSc Seminar, University of Warwick: Research Methods
- MSc Seminar, University of Warwick: Dissertation