Chris Petzold

Themenschwerpunkt: Community Organizing

Twittername: @chris_p_2010

Sprache/n: Englisch

Stadt: Seattle, WA

Land: Vereinigte Staaten

Themen: leadership, community building, program management, politics


Chris Petzold is a community organizer from the Seattle area, who, after the presidential election of 2016 jumped off the sidelines and into activism. Caring about her community, her family and her country, Chris started an Indivisible group in her local congressional district, which has turned into an absolute force of over 1000 people. She and her team are proud of their accomplishments, which include effectively persuading their congressman to not run for office again, registering voters and getting them out to vote, organizing countless protests and events, building a strong coalition and sustainable organization, as well as creating a strong community.

Chris is passionate about technology, diversity and inclusion, women’s health, rights and empowerment, education, the environment and dignity for everyone. She uses her organizing and influencing skills first used as a Program Manager at a Fortune 500 technology company in her political organizing.

When she is not working or organizing, Chris rides her bike on 100+ mile road rides. After riding her first long distance ride Chris adopted the philosophy that you can do anything that you set your mind to doing!