
Barbara Hinterstoisser

Themenschwerpunkt: higher education

Webseiten/Blogs: www.boku.ac.at

Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch

Stadt: Vienna

Land: Österreich

Themen: higher education, life sciences


2010- 2018 Vice Rector for Teaching and International Affairs at BOKU; Chair of the ICA Network for Innovation in Higher Education in the Life Sciences (ICA-Edu); studied Biochemistry at the University of Vienna, and additionally completed the diploma degree for teachers with majors in Chemistry and Physics. Since 1989 working as teacher and researcher at the Dept. for Chemistry and the Dept. of Material Sciences and Process Engineering at BOKU and as visiting researcher at the Swedish Pulp and Paper Research Institute (STFI, today Innventia) in Stockholm, Sweden, at Wood Research Munich, Germany and the Forest Research Institute (METLA) in Rovaniemi, Finnland. Habilitation in Wood Chemistry at BOKU and for several years key researcher and area manager of the competence centre WOOD kplus, Austria and head of BOKU‘s Equal Opportunities Working Party. 2007 -2018 position of director of the Center for Education at BOKU and 2010 -2018 Vice Rector for Teaching and International Affairs at BOKU, still being very much involved in teaching, being an active user of new multi-media-technologies and promoter of the life long learning strategy of BOKU. Beside that several activities in high altitude mountaineering ( Tibet, Russia, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador) and expeditions and excursions in the artic region; since 2007 Member of Johanniter Unfallhilfe (Search and Rescue Dog Team) and since 1997 member of the Austrian Alpine Club („Österreichischer Alpenklub“ ÖAK).
In 2016 awarded by the Austrian President with the “großes Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich”.

Vorträge / Referenzen:

The Role of Higher Education in Disaster Risk Reduction

We4DRR (Women Exchange for Disaster Risk R eduction) General Assembly, May 3-5, Trento, Italy

Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch