Roxana Holom

Data Science Project Manager & Researcher

Themenschwerpunkt: Trustworthy (Industrial) AI

Twittername: @HolomRoxana

Sprache/n: Englisch, Deutsch, Rumänisch

Stadt: Linz

Bundesland: Oberösterreich

Land: Österreich

Themen: sport, data science, research, diversity, basketball

Ich biete: Vortrag, Seminarleitung, Training, Interview

  Ich bin bereit, für eine Veranstaltung zu reisen.

  Ich bin bereit, für gemeinnützige Zwecke kostenfrei zu sprechen.

Persönliche Anmerkung:

I like talking about trustworthy artificial intelligence, about how data science solutions should be suitably built for their application/deployment (with a focus in the industrial domain). I am emphasizing in my talks the importance of a regular communication between AI experts and domain experts and the implication of end users in the solution development already from the design phase.

I am passionate in practicing different sports and discussing on related topics. I am practicing basketball in a hobby team and also loving mountain biking.

I am a mom of two wonderful kids that test my energy level every day, but I am happy I have the opportunity to learn a lot and improve myself from this relation. Being a parent developed in me a curiosity about neuroscience and human communication (not only parent-child communication/relationship) and started reading about it. I am still at newbie level in this vast domain, but I find it very interesting.


I received my Master’s degree in Computer Science: Engineering and Management from Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) and Master's degree in Computer Science: Component-based Programming from Babes Bolyai University Cluj in 2011. During my master studies and the year after, I worked as a software developer in several companies extending my .NET expertise. In 2016 I graduated my Ph.D. studies in the field of Technical Sciences - Computer Science at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, being a research fellow at the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Client-Centric Cloud Computing (CDCC). During my Ph.D studies I also worked as a research assistant at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. Since 2016, I have joint the Logistics Informatics department at RISC Software GmbH as a researcher and software developer and since 2017 I have extended my repertoire by focusing on data science projects. I am currently involved in the development and coordination of research projects, which include the following topics:
- Trustworthy AI
- Data Science in the industry/Industrial AI
- Design and development of AI concepts
In addition to publications in national and international journals, I acted as a reviewer for some international journals and conferences and as well as a speaker at various conferences and events. Furthermore, I am an Expert Evaluator at the European Commission since 2018 and an active member of Women in AI Upper Austria.