Shernaz Jaehnel

Rechtsanwältin, Compliance & Datenschutzexpertin

Themenschwerpunkt: Leadership Technology AI

Webseiten/Blogs: , ,

Sprache/n: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Türkisch

Stadt: Berlin, London, Miami, NYC

Bundesland: Berlin

Land: Deutschland

Themen: führung, leadership, recht und politik, wirtschaft, datenschutz, technology, startup, artificial intelligence, finanzielle freiheit

Ich biete: Vortrag, Moderation, Seminarleitung, Beratung, Training, Interview

  Ich bin bereit, für eine Veranstaltung zu reisen.

Persönliche Anmerkung:

Ich bin Rechtsanwältin, Autorin, Mentorin und Keynote Speakerin. Ich halte Fachvorträge und bin auch gefragte Teilnehmerin bei Podiumsdiskussionen für die Themen: Leadership, Führung, Recht, Datenschutz, Compliance, Technologie, Künstliche Intelligenz, Frauen & Führung, Startups, Recht, Finanzielle Unabhängigkeit, Aktienmarkt, Investments, Asset Management, Legal Tech, Weiterbildung, LegalTech, EdTech, FinTech, Blockchain & Law.


Shernaz ist eine preisgekrönte Rechtsanwältin, CEO & Gründerin, Referentin und Mentorin für Führungskräfte. Sie hat für namhafte US-amerikanische und europäische Unternehmen gearbeitet und ist mit ihrem Anwaltsteam als "European Best Legal Team for Commercial Law" ausgezeichnet worden. Shernaz ist auch Mutter eines Sohnes und als Cosmopolitan liebt sie es, um die Welt zu reisen.

Shernaz is an award-winning Attorney at Law, CEO & Founder, Speaker, and Mentor for Leaders. She has worked for well-known U.S. and European companies, and she and her legal team have been awarded as “European Best Legal Team for Commercial Law”. Shernaz is also a mother of a son and as a cosmopolitan loves to travel the world.

Vorträge / Referenzen:

Author of the book "Data Protection Mastery: Become a Data Protection Professional. The Complete Data Protection Officer’s Handbook"

"Data Protection Mastery: Become a Data Protection Professional. The Complete Data Protection Officer's Handbook" is a comprehensive guide written by award-winning attorney at law and certified data protection officer, Shernaz Jaehnel.
This handbook is an excellent resource for anyone looking to understand the GDPR and become a data protection professional. It is ideal for lawyers, data protection officers, compliance officers, IT professionals, and anyone interested in data protection and privacy.

If you want to gain a comprehensive understanding of the GDPR and become a proficient data protection professional, "Data Protection Mastery: Become a Data Protection Professional. The Complete Data Protection Officer's Handbook" is the book for you.

This comprehensive handbook covers six chapters.
In chapter 1, you will learn about the key definitions of data protection, including controller, processor, joint controller, personal data, etc.
You will also learn about the principles of data processing, including lawfulness, fairness and transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accountability principle, etc.
Chapter 2 delves into the lawful basis for processing, including the 6 available lawful bases, such as consent, contract, legal obligation, and legitimate interests.
The chapter also covers individual rights, such as right to be informed, right of access, right to rectification, etc.

Chapter 3 focuses on Data Protection Officers (DPO), including obligation to appoint a DPO, professional qualities, tasks, and responsibilities of the DPO, internal and external DPO, training and certification, the different data protection titles (CDPO, CIPP, CIPM, CIPT), and the first 90 days of a DPO.
Chapter 4 covers Data Processing Agreements (DPA), and the international transfer of personal data outside the EU/EEA in accordance with the GDPR, including transfer covered by adequacy regulations, appropriate safeguards, EU Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs), Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs), and by exceptions.
The chapter also includes the new adequacy decision EU-U.S. Data Protection Framework (draft).

In chapter 5, you will learn about Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA).
Additionally, the chapter covers data protection by design and by default and the organizational and technical measures (TOMs).
The final chapter 6 delves into personal data breaches. The chapter then explores enforcement and sanctions, including the role of the supervisory authority, and its powers.
The chapter also includes a large section on cyber security.

With Shernaz Jaehnel's extensive experience and expertise, readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of data protection and become proficient and confident data protection professionals.
"Data Protection Mastery: Become a Data Protection Professional. The Complete Data Protection Officer’s Handbook" is an essential resource for anyone who wants to excel in data protection, comply with GDPR requirements, and become a certified data protection professional.

Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch

TEDx style talk, LIVE at The Speaker Salon in New York City, + Livestream.
The feedback from the live audience was beautiful. I am so happy to hear that our stories inspired and touched them.
That is the reason why I am talking on stages regularly: to reach all the women and men who want to design their abundant life!

Shernaz Jaehnel is an international speaker and an award-winning and leading Attorney in Germany, CEO & Founder, and Mentor for Leaders.
She is an expert on financial independence, money, wealth, leadership, and women’s empowerment topics with years of experience speaking on stages worldwide, in German for her German-speaking audience as well as in English worldwide.

Shernaz is an expert in speaking about:
Leadership (individuals & corporate)
Female Leaders
Financial Independence
Wealth & Epic Lifestyle
Stock Market
Upleveling Life & Business
Permission to Lead
Leadership & Spirituality

With her glamorous, charismatic presence and hilariously relatable storytelling, Shernaz gives not only women the permission to uplevel and the tools to create epic careers, lifestyles, and wealth.
Shernaz also speaks at corporate events about Leadership & Spirituality and coaches Executives in learning how to lead and work with female leaders.

Beloved for her unique philosophy on leadership as well as her spiritual yet practical and pragmatic approach to money-making, Shernaz is an exciting and thought-provoking influencer in the transformational space.

Audiences can look forward to having their old ways of thinking shattered as Shernaz introduces what’s possible for Leaders, Executives & Rising Stars who dare to uplevel in all areas of life and business.

#karriere #karrieretipps #mentoring # coaching #successcoach #executivecoaching #wealth #millionaire # billionaire #invest #femaleleaders #leadership #financialfreedom #investing

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For mentoring/coaching requests, please send an email to

Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
The Big Talk - Podcast

Show Summary:

Today’s show is another in a series of bonus episodes each featuring one of the amazing talks given by my participants in The Big Talk Academy as a part of our Virtual Showcase. This showcase is the culmination of their hard work as they cross the finish line to becoming certified speakers.
These episodes give you a peek behind the scenes to witness the amazing Big Talks presented and also give you exclusive access to my live feedback and the direction I give to each speaker immediately following their performances.

This week’s episode features Shernaz Jaehnel and her talk, Design Your Abundant Life Despite Any Crises.

Shernaz is an award-winning Attorney in Germany, CEO & Founder, Speaker, and Mentor for Leaders. She has worked for well-known U.S. and European companies, and she and her legal team have been awarded as “European Best Legal Team for Commercial Law”. Shernaz is also a mother and loves to travel the world.

In her exceptional and inspirational Big Talk, Shernaz teaches us that we can have anything we want in life, we just have to make the decision and take the action.

In this talk, she explores:
Where financial wellness and money stories begin
Her own experience with money and the rules she lived by until hitting rock bottom
What changed her financial journey and her life
How to change your own beliefs around money and create an abundant life

More from Shernaz

Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch

TEDx style talk, LIVE at The Speaker Salon in New York City, + Livestream.
The feedback from the live audience was beautiful. I am so happy to hear that our stories inspired and touched them.
That is the reason why I am talking on stages regularly: to reach all the women and men who want to design their abundant life!

Shernaz Jaehnel is an international speaker and an award-winning and leading Attorney in Germany, CEO & Founder, and Mentor for Leaders.
She is an expert on financial independence, money, wealth, leadership, and women’s empowerment topics with years of experience speaking on stages worldwide, in German for her German-speaking audience as well as in English worldwide.

Shernaz is an expert in speaking about:
Leadership (individuals & corporate)
Female Leaders
Financial Independence
Wealth & Epic Lifestyle
Stock Market
Upleveling Life & Business
Permission to Lead
Leadership & Spirituality

With her glamorous, charismatic presence and hilariously relatable storytelling, Shernaz gives not only women the permission to uplevel and the tools to create epic careers, lifestyles, and wealth.
Shernaz also speaks at corporate events about Leadership & Spirituality and coaches Executives in learning how to lead and work with female leaders.

Beloved for her unique philosophy on leadership as well as her spiritual yet practical and pragmatic approach to money-making, Shernaz is an exciting and thought-provoking influencer in the transformational space.

Audiences can look forward to having their old ways of thinking shattered as Shernaz introduces what’s possible for Leaders, Executives & Rising Stars who dare to uplevel in all areas of life and business.

#karriere #karrieretipps #mentoring # coaching #successcoach #executivecoaching #wealth #millionaire # billionaire #invest #femaleleaders #leadership #financialfreedom #investing

Für coaching / mentoring Anfragen bitte eine Email an:
For mentoring/coaching requests, please send an email to

Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch