Webseiten/Blogs: https://ikena.at , https://www.linkedin.com/in/karolina-bruckmueller/
Sprache/n: Englisch, Deutsch
Stadt: Bregenz
Bundesland: Vorarlberg
Land: Österreich
Themen: digital innovation, remote work, leadership, digital transformation, veränderung als chance, new work, digitalisierung und change, hybrides arbeiten
Ich biete: Vortrag, Moderation, Seminarleitung, Beratung, Training, Interview
Ich bin bereit, für eine Veranstaltung zu reisen.
I'm on a mission to help organizations making digital transformation part of their organizational DNA, by unleashing the potential of modern collaboration.
I bring with me an innovative mind set, raised in an entrepreneurial family, with a hands-on mentality and drive to push things forward. I graduated at the VU University of Amsterdam with a Master of Science in entrepreneurship (business administration) and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Liechtenstein in ‘international management and entrepreneurship’.
All my professional experiences so far (product data manager, head of the project management office, senior business consultant for digital workplace solutions and managing director of IKENA Consulting) have focused on the interaction between people and technology for better collaboration. This has enabled me to build up a profound knowledge in the field of internal digitalization and to accompany numerous well-known companies on their way to unleashck the potential of modern collaboration. Besides I hold lectures at the University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg in the field of Digital Innovation and Digital Transformation.
Vorträge / Referenzen:
Im Rahmen des Zukunft Schaffa Events der HR ExpertsGroup Vorarlberg durfte ich zu dem Thema hybride Führung referieren und mit Teilnehmer:innen aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen und Industrien Stolpersteine und Chancen im hybriden Führungsstil beleuchten.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Deutsch