Themenschwerpunkt: GPS | Sexismus in MINT | LGBTQ
Twittername: @ccile_deprez
Sprache/n: Englisch, Französisch
Stadt: München
Bundesland: Bayern
Land: Deutschland
Themen: women in stem, visibility, galileo, lgbtq+, microaggressions, gps
Ich biete: Vortrag, Moderation, Seminarleitung, Beratung, Training, Interview
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Hallo und willkommen auf meiner Seite!
Ich arbeite Vollzeit als Wissenschaftlerin im Bereich der Satellitenortung, ein super spannendes Thema, das ich immer wieder gerne präsentiere!
Als Frau in einem technischen Bereich habe ich auf meinem Weg leider auch Sexismus erlebt und erfahren. Im Laufe der Jahre habe ich mir ein Fachwissen zu diesem Thema angeeignet und ich habe begonnen, meine Erfahrungen mit Sexismus und Mikroaggressionen an Universitäten und Unternehmen im MINT-Bereich weiterzugeben.
Für weitere Informationen über meine Aktivitäten können Sie mir gerne schreiben.
Ich freue mich darauf, mit Ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten :)
Cécile Deprez studierte Geomatik an der Universität von Lüttich in Belgien. Nach vier Jahren Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Satellitenortung wechselte sie 2020 zum Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR). Dort konzentriert sich ihre Forschung auf die Integration neuer Technologien (wie z. B. Laserverbindungen) in die zukünftigen Satellitenkonstellationen für die Positionsbestimmung. Insbesondere misst sie die Auswirkungen, die diese Konstellationen der nächsten Generation auf die Positionsbestimmung von Nutzern am Erdboden und von Satelliten in niedrigen Orbits haben werden.
Beim DLR ist sie Mitbegründerin und Koordinatorin von Frauen-, LGBTQIA+- und internationalen Communities (insgesamt > 500 Netzwerker), in denen regelmäßig Vorträge, Diskussionsrunden, Seminare und allgemeine Netzwerkaktivitäten an den 30 Standorten und 55 Instituten des DLR organisiert werden.
Nebenbei ist Cécile als öffentliche Referentin zu den Themen Sexismus, Allyship und Mikroaggressionen in MINT-Bereichen sowie zu den Themen Visibilität von Frauen und LGBTQIA+ Experten engagiert.
Als Freiwillige hat sie den belgischen Teil der französischen Vereinigung Pépite Sexiste, genannt Sexisme Flop, mitbegründet und verwaltet ihn derzeit, um in den sozialen Medien Marken zu kritisieren, die sexistische Werbung betreiben.
Seit 1,5 Jahren ist sie auch als Koordinatorin der Arbeitsgruppe Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA-E) zum Thema Visibilität von Frauen in MINT tätig.
Vorträge / Referenzen:
Invited speaker for the Max Planck PostDocNet
Everyone experiences life differently, as our social identities (gender, skin colour, sexual orientation, etc.)
give us more or less privileges in the Western society. As a result, some groups tend to experience more discrimination than others, even in the workplace. How can we make sure that our work environment is a welcoming place for everyone, free of microaggressions and other types of discrimination?
In this lecture, we will try to evaluate together the essential steps we can take within our companies to be
a supportive ally to marginalised groups. We will introduce the concepts of intersectionality, take the time
to each position ourselves in the society, and then discuss the various forms that discrimination may take.
Once we have learnt how to identify situations of discrimination, we will discuss what being an ally
actually means and how to put this in practice.
Invited speaker at NVISO, organized by the Diversity and Inclusion initiative
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Guest speaker at EMEUSAT for the Diversity & Inclusion Network
This session will explore microinteractions and their power in the workplace. Discover how microinteractions can affect the work environment and us all, producing positive or toxic dynamics; learn more how you can deal with difficult ones and avoid microaggressions.
Talk at the 60' Grow to Lead Session organized by net4tec
In this session, we'll break down the complexities of public speaking into manageable steps. From handling initial requests to confidently delivering your talk, Cecile will share practical strategies for stress management at every stage.
🚀 Explore the art of crafting impactful messages for different formats, whether online or in-person, with or without slides. Gain valuable insights on captivating your audience and leaving a lasting impression.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Panelist at the 8th European Space Generation Workshop
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Invited guest in the podcast of the SGAC - Our Giant Leap working group
As we celebrate diversity and inclusivity, let's remember why this cause is important for all of us. Why is gender equality crucial? Why are LGBTQIA+ rights essential? And why should we all fight for them? Join us as we explore these questions and more with our guest, Cécile Deprez.
Cécile shares her unique story and her relentless advocacy for LGBTQIA+ community rights. We delve into why diversity matters and how to ensure it in the workplace and beyond. Finally, we take a comprehensive look at the space industry, evaluating not just our technical readiness but also our social readiness for the challenges of space exploration.
Don't miss this insightful and inspiring discussion!
Online talk organized by Women in Aerospace Europe in which I presented, together with Marcelle Laliberté, the first topic tackled by the Intersectionality group that I have initiated in January 2024.
Women working in aerospace navigate not only gender-related challenges but also intersecting factors such as race, nationality, age, socioeconomic status, and LGBTQ identity. These intersecting identities can influence access to opportunities, career advancement, workplace experiences, and overall inclusion in the sector.
Recognising and addressing intersectionality allows for a more holistic understanding of the barriers and opportunities faced by women in aerospace. By understanding them, organisations can create more inclusive environments, foster diverse perspectives, and drive innovation and success in the industry. In this event, we will focus on the intersectionality of women in aerospace who are also part of the LGBTQ community and strategies for colleagues who want to be safe allies.
Together, we will look at how to:
· Build a more inclusive workplace environment
· Use inclusive language and communication practices
· React as a bystander of microaggressions
· Facilitate an open and respectful dialogue to foster understanding and support.
We aim to create a space where allies feel safe to ask questions that they otherwise might feel embarrassed or unsure to ask, learn from one another, and commit to building an inclusive and supportive workplace.
You can share your questions anonymously prior to the event here.
Panelist at the event organized by European Commission Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Workshop at the FEMWORX 2024 conference at Hannover Messe
Do you know what all LGBTQIA+ letters stand for?
Do you sometimes feel hesitant on what is the best behavior to adopt around LGBTQIA+ colleagues?
Do you know what terminology is inclusive in English or what is the best way to ask questions and share hesitations?
Do you know how to best support your colleagues who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community?
In this workshop, we will review the basics of LGBTQIA+ related terminology and concepts.
We will learn how to work better together, in a more inclusive workplace, and how to be a safe ally for LGBTQIA+ community members.
This workshop will offer a safe place for you to ask questions and express your uncertainties.
Moderator of a panel on intersectionality organized by net4tec at the occasion of the International Women’s Day
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Workshops organized by a local Meetup group "International Queer* Meetup" in Munich
Folks part of the LGBTQIA+ community are underrepresented in society. This lack of representation tends to favor microaggressions, which we define as conscious or unconscious actions or situations leading to the creation of a hostile environment. Microaggressions can be either verbal (e.g. “Oh you are trans? I couldn't tell, you look like a real woman! ”), behavioral (e.g. assuming someone's gender pronouns) or environmental (e.g. a place with only gendered toilets). These microaggressions happen everywhere: at work, in public spaces or in private. Despite their seemingly “micro” nature, microaggressions have a significant impact on our mental health.
In this workshop, we will go over the different types of microaggressions, understand their impact, and propose hands-on strategies to deal with it. While participants will have the opportunity to share your best victories, we will also discuss strategies that didn't work, and together to try to find a way for everyone to feel more confident when faced with such challenging situations.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Workshop on Communicating Science Effectively, organized by She Drives Energy (SDE)
How can we best shape scientific content to different audiences?
How to deliver your talk with confidence in a compelling and memorable way?
What strategies can you use to manage stress?
In this interactive workshop, we will address the art of effective science communication through three main themes. We will first cover how to best tailor the content of your presentation to your audience and examine how to break down your research topic complexity to communicate your work in the most effective way. Second, we will practice on delivering your talk effectively and finally, we will discuss how to handle the stress that can arise from the delivery, including the challenging task of answering the audience’s questions and comments.
Guest speaker in the context of the Women In Science Week 2024, organized by Max-Planck-Institute for Iron Research Düsseldorf, M.S.C.A Steminist, YoungEFC, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Journal of Coatings, MDPI.
"Where are you really from?"
"You're transgender? I couldn't tell! You look normal to me."
"30 years old? Clock is ticking!"
Have you ever heard such sentences around you, either directed at you, or at someone else? Have you ever pronounced these sentences?
In this talk we propose to introduce microaggressions: what they are, how they affect people around us, how to deal with them, either as a victim, an ally or a potential offender.
Panelist at the International Space University, Starsbourg, France
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Guest on the podcast ZweiMalZwei to discuss sexism in MINT and strategies to change the workplace.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Deutsch
Invited guest in the podcast Tech Lipstick to discus my career path and my advocacy for women and gender minorities in STEM.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Französisch
Workshop at the Soshe fesitval, in Brussels
Laisse-toi embarquer par les conseils, stratégies pratiques et l'art de la narrative et ne rates plus aucune prise de parole !
Guest speaker in the context of the Reher*sal conference.
In this workshop, we will guide you through the entire process of public speaking, breaking it down into manageable steps. From handling the initial request and dealing with the pressure that can arise, to delivering your talk with confidence, we will reflect on practical strategies to help you manage stress at each stage. We will explore the art of crafting your message and delivering it effectively, tailored to different formats such as online or in-person engagements, with or without slides. We will share valuable insights on captivating your audience and making a lasting impact.
Invited speaker at the 2023 UN Space4Women Expert Meeting, in Montreal, Canada
Talk description
What are the best resources for women and gender minorities to confront sexism in STEM fields, more specifically in the space sector? How can we better support each other, and empower each other?
Guest speaker, invited to explain my work as an expert in satellite positioning, and my perception of the space sector for women and gender minorities.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Französisch
Two-day masterclass organized by, Agence Bruxelloise pour l’accompagnement de l’entreprise, Orange , Orange Digital Center - Solidarity Fablab
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Französisch
In person talk at a MeetUp organized in the context of herCAREER Munich 2023
Women and gender minorities often encounter challenges in male-dominated environments. From interruptions during meetings to inappropriate jokes, navigating workplace dynamics can be tough. Identifying and addressing sexism and microaggressions is key to fostering a better work environment. By becoming a strong ally, you can make a difference. Join us to discuss workplace sexism and microaggressions, learn practical coping strategies as a victim or ally, get valuable resources to expand your knowledge and explore the role of woman and gender minority networks in combating sexism. Remember, your feelings are valid, and you’re not alone: together, let’s create an inclusive work environment!
Online talk in the context of the conference "Reimagination at Work" organized by Watch This_Sp_ce.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Talk together with Prof. Leising in the context of the Postdoc Appreciation Week 2023, organized by Helmholtz Munich, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Munich Postdoc Network, Scientific Talent and Career Development.
Panel description
Daniel Leising gave insights into the personal and systemic factors that permit or promote unethical behaviour. He provided helpful tips on how to overcome these situations. Cécile Deprez focused on issues affecting women and gender minorities. She explored the various forms of sexism and proposed hands-on strategies to cope with microaggressions.
Workshop on Sexism and Microaggressions for Eaton Industries GmbH, online.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Invited panelist at the Summer School 2023 of the European Leadership Academy organized by Huawei EU.
Panel description:
With new technologies revolutionizing most areas of the economy and many layers of society, it has become vital to reduce the gaps existing in today’s world. This is necessary in order to be able to move forward and embrace the digital revolution in an inclusive and fair manner, where no one is left behind. Women have a key role to play in the twin transition and, to ensure a level-playing field, they must be able to grasp the full benefits brought by technological progress.
From talent development to the challenges facing Europe’s competitiveness, this panel discussion will explore how women can shape the tech industry and take the lead in traditionally male-dominated areas like academic research, as well as how a new generation of young talents can pave the way for a more diverse, resilient and human-centric digital economy.
To inspire them to pursue STEM careers, promoting female role models is key. Therefore, this panel discussion will bring together some of the women behind Europe’s technological breakthroughs, who will share how their day-to-day work looks like, as well as tips to overcome career challenges that women encounter when entering the tech industry.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Invited speaker for Women Leading in STEM, an association founded by Pamela Kellert.
If we want to attract and retain more women in STEM fields, we must address the elephant in the room: being in the minority, women in STEM continue to face biases and stereotypes which hinder their progress.
About 32% of women in technical and engineering roles are often the only woman in the room. Despite the progress in diversity and inclusion, women still face dynamics that challenge their place in STEM. Some of these are:
👉 Their competence is challenged or downplayed
👉 Their contributions are not acknowledged
👉 Non-inclusive group dynamics and uncivil behaviour
While many organisations are putting effort into creating an inclusive environment, sexism in the workplace is also evolving.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Interview for SNCF Mixité
Cécile Deprez est une chercheuse dans l'aérospatiale. Diplômée de l'Université de Liège en 2015 en géomatique, elle participe à la conception des futures générations de satellites utilisés pour le positionnement au Centre Spatial Allemand (DLR).
Dans un domaine toujours très dominé par les hommes, Cécile Deprez se montre très active dans le soutien et la promotion d'autres chercheuses. Elle parle régulièrement du sexisme dans les STEM (Sciences, Techniques, Ingénieur, Mathématiques), des micro-agressions, de biais inconscients et des réseaux de femmes.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Französisch
Interview for the media 'The Bloom'
*Lessons you’re taking away from the first few years of your work experience, and applying to the next chapters of your career.*
1. Trust your guts. If your body tells you something is wrong, it is. Some comments make your hair raise on your skin, but often we still try to gaslight ourselves into thinking that this is no big deal. It is. If you don't believe it, imagine how made you would be if someone had said the same thing to your very best friend. Treat yourself like your best friend.
2. Find safe people around you. We all have toxic friends, there is something weirdly attractive about it, but make sure you know who to find when you need support, in all areas of your life. Have safe people at work, in your family, in your friend circles.
3. We don't have to wait to be CEO of a company to make changes in it. We spend a huge amount of time at work, how sad would it be to feel terrible at work everyday of our lives.
4. Minority networks are amazing. Women supporting women has been such a powerful experience for me. Queer groups are my home. Don't stay on your own.
Invited speaker at the 60' session "Grow To Lead" organized by net4tec.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Talk at the WomenPower Congress of the Hannover Messe 2023.
Sexism is part of our society, it impacts us at work and in our private lives. It can take several forms, from hostile sexism ("women are inferior to men") to benevolent sexism ("women make great secretaries"). It relies on biases that we have been internalizing from an early age and often takes the form of microaggressions that have a long-term macro-level impact on women's lives and mental health.
In this lecture we talked about the different forms of sexism in the workplace and how to respond to it as a victim, witness or potential offender.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Hired by Medizinische Hochschule Hannover for a 4-hour workshop with 8 participants.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Invited speaker at the Early Career Mentoring Program of Medizinsche Hochschule Hannover.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Invited speaker at the Space Generation Advisory Council for the Space Technology for Earth Application General Assembly
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Invited guest in the podcast 'Gender & Climate' by Annika Degen
Today we celebrate women's achievement, raise awareness against bias and take action for equality! In this powerful episode I talk to three women with different backgrounds and professions, being united by the aim of a climate and gender just world. Join Charlotte Hopmans, Léna Plaud and Cécile Deprez discussing the interconnectedness of Gender & Climate Change, calling for more women in leadership and decision making positions and spreading the vision of an equal representation of all.
Invited speaker at Helmholtz Munich in the context of the Women@HelmholtzMunich month between February 9th and March 8th 2023.
This course aims at understanding the different forms of sexism and at identifying microaggressions. Together, we learned how to:
⭐️ Identify sexism under its different forms;
⭐️ Understand better why some behaviors might make you feel uncomfortable;
⭐️ Address sexism and microaggressions by:
* learning how to avoid being a potential offender;
* learning how to give feedback as a victim, a witness;
* learning how to receive feedback if you unwillingly offended someone.
Invited speaker on 'Sexism, unconscious biases and microaggressions in STEM' in the context of the Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 organized by Max Planck PhDnet and Max Planck PostdocNet.
Have you ever experienced sexism during your studies or at your workplace? Can you differentiate hostile sexism from benevolent sexism? How do you cope with daily microaggressions?
In this talk, I gave an overview of sexism in STEM and of the various forms it can take. In addition to these theoretical concepts, I also shared my own experience in Europe, in the fields of Science and Engineering.
Finally, I presented some strategies and resources to cope with sexism and microaggressions at work, aimed at both victims and potential offenders.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch