Astrid Schreiber

Human Right Activist

Themenschwerpunkt: Detention /Deportation custody

Twittername: @Astra1973

Webseiten/Blogs: , ,

Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch

Stadt: München

Land: Deutschland

Themen: human rights, freiwillige rückkehr, illegale migration, abschiebungen, aktivistin, flüchtlingsarbeit, senegal, asyl, deportation

Ich biete: Vortrag, Beratung, Interview

  Ich bin bereit, für eine Veranstaltung zu reisen.

  Ich bin bereit, für gemeinnützige Zwecke kostenfrei zu sprechen.

Persönliche Anmerkung:

For years I have been working with refugees mainly from West Africa, with a focus on Senegal. I founded an association there with friends from Dakar. (The Sama Chance association aims to raise awareness of irregular migration; to promote the return and social reintegration of migrants and refugees; to support the registration of children at birth.)
I also support refugees here in preparing for the Voluntary Return, we have also founded a campaign "Work is a human right" to draw attention to the work and training bans for people from "safe countries of origin" ... After deportations have taken place, I try to keep in contact with the people in order to help them in their reintegration and support at the beginning in their homecountry . With our association and network)


Astrid Schreiber
Volunteer in Refugee-Support and Social Activist


Date of birth 09/06/1973

Place of birth Neheim-Hüsten

Marital status Married

Nationality German

Mobile 0174 1834043


2015 – present Voluntary work in the Asylum Support Group Aschheim „AHA“
Member of “Gemeinsam für Menschenrechte und Demokratie“
Member of the „Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat“

From April 2023 - Münchner Flüchtlingsrat Project Coordinator Detention / Deportation custody


INTERESTS Volunteer / Refugee Assistance, Bavarian Refugee Council,
Journalism, Music, Sports

About me and my activism
When I was 8 years old my mother introduced me to activism by giving me the money to
buy a book called “Women against Apartheid”. I still have this book and I think of it almost
every day. I started to think about how I could change the world, how I could reduce the suffering
of people and offer them hope.
I attended my first demonstration when I was 12 years of age, since then I’ve attended
many anti-nazi demonstrations and worked to increase my knowledge and understanding
of politics particularly in African countries.
My first visit to Africa was in 1995 near Mombasa.
In the last couple of years I’ve become more involved in activism and support groups. I’ve
met a lot of people during my travels and in my opinion it’s easy to say „let’s make the
world a better place“. I will continue the fight for human rights until my last breath.
I organise demonstrations and in April 2017 I met Thiat – a member of Y'en a Marre, also
known as a Memer of Keur Gui – an activist and artist from Senegal. Since then i’ve been
organising concerts for Keur Gui and together with Thiat we visit refugee camps and meet with the
residents there. I also organized a discussion with Thiat and Boubacah Bah from Panafrikanismus
München. Also with Hamadou Dipama ( Activist from Burkina Faso living in Munich) This work
continues until today and I am actively promoting it.

My Blog

My article about the Senegalese Refugees in Bavaria
Das bittere Ausharren der Senegalese in Bayern

Interview Radio Bayern 2

Excruciating waiting, cursed to do nothing, this is the situation many refugees find
themselves in, in their accommodation in Aschheim near Munich. Astrid Schreiber is
critical of this state of affairs, having found work placement for several of the young men
who were later denied permission to work by the government agency tasked with
approving work permits (Ausländerbehörde).
“It is incredibly frustrating for the volunteers, we ask ourselves why do we still bother. What
would have happened to the refugees from 2015 until now without the volunteer network.”
Not everyone can stay, it sounds so banal. Astrid works mostly with Senegalese economic
refugees who are very unlikely to be given permission to remain in Germany but because
there is no transfer agreement, between Senegal and Germany, cannot be deported. She
is pleading, as do many of the volunteers, for a right to work for the refugees “ If we can’t
return people quickly then we must offer them opportunities here. If that isn’t possible then
politics has, more or less, failed” Don’t create false hope but be clear about the
possibilities. The volunteers want to be taken seriously by politicians. Volunteers have also changed
their position. If there is no possibility that someone from Senegal is going to be allowed to
stay, they should consider returning there. I ask our residents if there is a possibility for them to
return to Senegal, if I can help, if I can speak with their families. I would also be prepared to help in
Senegal, modern technology makes that a lot easier”, says Astrid.
It’s actually not that far from what politicians claim to want, namely fighting the causes of
migration in the countries that people are coming from. It’s a goal that many politicians
from many parties have. What is it other than supporting people in these countries. Astra,
who has studied the situation in Senegal, feels that the support needs to get to the people
on the ground and not disappear into holes in the Senegalese government.

Radio Interview with M94.5
In I talked about the Bavarian government / the asylum law, no perspectives for a lot of
refugees / big camps like in Bamberg, Germany for more than 3700 refugees.

Speaker's Corner Video Interview
Afrikanisch-Europäische Schnittstellen: Senegalesischer Aktivist & Künstler im Interview
Der Senegalesische Künstler und Aktivist Thiat und die deutsche Menschenrechtsaktivistin Astra
sprechen mit Achim Waseem Seger über ihre Zusammenarbeit und gemeinsame zukünftige
Projekte, u.a. einen Dokumentarfilm. In einem offenen Gespräch wurden neben aktuellen Themen
wie Flucht/Migration und langjährigen Themen wie Kolonialismus auch die Situation vor Ort im
Senegal und in Deutschland diskutiert. Das Interview wurde auf englisch geführt.

My own Project since October 2017
"ECHAPPER N'EST PAS UNE SOLUTION" – a School project with Djibril Djibson, a teacher from the
Ecole elementaire de Porokhane and member of Y'en a Marre. Read more

November 2018
Exhibition about Y'en a Marre together with Professor Kimminich (University of Potsdam) with a
following discussion with Thiat (Y'en a Marre), Prof. Bösch, Prof. Leggewie, Prof. Kimminich.

Vorträge / Referenzen:

Afrikanisch-Europäische Schnittstellen: Senegalesischer Aktivist & Künstler im Interview / Thiat, Waseem, Astra
Video Thumbnail

Der Senegalesische Künstler und Aktivist Thiat und die deutsche Menschenrechtsaktivistin Astra sprechen mit Achim Waseem Seger über ihre Zusammenarbeit und gemeinsame zukünftige Projekte, u.a. einen Dokumentarfilm.

In einem offenen Gespräch wurden neben aktuellen Themen wie Flucht/Migration und langjährigen Themen wie Kolonialismus auch die Situation vor Ort im Senegal und in Deutschland diskutiert. Das Interview wurde auf englisch geführt.

Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Germany: Identification interviews for undocumented migrants, an opaque and controversial procedure

In Germany, thousands of rejected asylum seekers without identification documents are called for interviews each year with foreign delegations and embassies, in order to determine their true identities and potentially expel them.

Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch