Themenschwerpunkt: Ubiquitous Personal Computing
Twittername: @viktoriapammer
Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch
Stadt: Graz
Land: Österreich
Themen: forschung, lernen 2.0, wissensmanagement, cswc - computer supported cooperative work, technologiegestütztes lernen, human-computer interaction, user oriented software design, wissenschaft, hochschullehre
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Viktoria Pammer-Schindler (female) is division manager in the area “Knowledge Services” at the Know-Center where she leads the team “Mobile Work and User Context”, and assistant professor at the Knowledge Technologies Institute at Graz University of Technology. As division manager of the Knowledge Services division at the Know-Center, Viktoria is responsible for the scientific and business strategy of the division, and for a budget of 5.5Mio€ in the years 2012-2014. Viktoria is workpackage leader of the MIRROR IP project. Viktoria’s research centers around designing ICT support for work-related learning, including technology-mediated reflective learning. As key issues in her research she considers the analysis of activity logging data to create a benefit for end-users in personalised, adaptive systems, and the application of user-centered software design methods in order to ensure usable and innovative interaction concepts for intelligent systems that support work-related learning. Viktoria and her team have recently organised a “SMART Health” track at the i-Know 2012 and 2013, in order to discuss the potential of knowledge technologies in the health care sector. Viktoria has published 37 scientific papers (of which 2 journal papers and 2 book chapters) to date. Viktoria received an MSc in the field of “Telematik” and a doctoral degree, also in the field of “Telematik” at the Graz University of Technology, Austria, in 2005 and 2010 respectively, and both times graduated with distinction.