Ola Gasidlo-Brändel

Senior Principal Software Engineer

Themenschwerpunkt: (web) standards, JAM Stack

Twittername: @misprintedtype

Webseite/Blog: https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=ola+gasidlo

Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch, Polnisch

Stadt: Berlin

Bundesland: Berlin

Land: Deutschland

Themen: softwareentwicklung, javascript, open source, web development, architecture, standards, specs

Ich biete: Vortrag, Moderation, Seminarleitung, Interview

  Ich bin bereit, für gemeinnützige Zwecke kostenfrei zu sprechen.


She’s been working as a professional JavaScript frontend / backend and mobile developer for +20 years, she organized various conferences and gives workshops for kids and grown-ups there and: she’s the mother of a wonderful daughter.

Vorträge / Referenzen:

Say Hello To Offline First

Re-Imagining Web Design and Development for the Real World

We live in a disconnected & battery-powered world. Devices and user interactions have changed enormously over the years. What hasn't changed is the internet itself and the way how we concept and build applications in it.

Offline First does not only mean reverting our design processes and creating apps for offline use first. In this new world where "online" is just a feature and not default state, we have to find new approaches and patterns for our thoughts and processes in app design and development.

This talk will cover the philosophy behind and current state of offline support on the web, the starting points and the design challenges posed by developing a first-class offline experience, and it will also give you first insights in the technical parts.

How can we change the way the web is built?


During the rise of the internet in the past 25 years, devices and user interactions have changed enormously. Now it’s time we find new approaches and patterns for the way we build applications for this web and its users.

Ola’s talk covers the philosophy behind and state of offline support on the web, starting points, challenges and how to develop first-class offline experiences – from localStorage, appcache to sync and database structures.

Coding the dream: getting started with Hoodie, Offline First and no Backend


Start building the apps you've always dreamed of - and let us show you how to get started right away: take a noBackend philosophy, an Offline First approach, add Dreamcode and a decentralized architecture, stir it, bake it and get Hoodie, the Open Source project aiming to enable Front-end Developers and Designers to build their own apps without worrying about the backend.

I'll give an intro to its architecture and setup around localStorage, node.js and CouchDB, show you how to get started with your dream app and code an app live on stage.

Hoodie Live-Coding: Eine vollständige App in 30min

Hoodie schön und gut. Aber wie funktioniert das jetzt? Das zeigen wir euch in diesem Talk. Euch erwarten 30 Minuten Live-Coding, ein Blick hinter die Kulissen von Hoodie, sowie die Beantwortung auf die Frage: "was wenn wir die Features von Hoodie nicht ausreichen?"


Let's build an app in 20 min!

"offline first" - Warum wir umdenken müssen

Warum müssen wir umdenken bei der Entwicklung von Applikationen?

"Offline first"

We got more and more devices. And every device needs a internet connection. But is this really necessary? Can we build applications who do not need to talk to the internet every second? The "Offline first" concept is (maybe) the answer ;)