Themenschwerpunkt: Optik und Photonik
Twittername: @ulrike_boehm
Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch
Stadt: Aalen
Bundesland: Baden-Württemberg
Land: Deutschland
Themen: women in tech, women in science, data science, gender equality, physics
Ich biete: Vortrag, Moderation, Seminarleitung, Beratung, Training, Interview
Ich bin bereit, für eine Veranstaltung zu reisen.
Ich bin bereit, für gemeinnützige Zwecke kostenfrei zu sprechen.
Ulrike is a Physicist, Optical Scientist & Data Scientist. She has over ten years of experience designing, building, and running advanced optical systems, analyzing (microscopy) data, and developing (image) acquisition & analysis workflows.
She studied Physics at the Technical University in Munich and did her master's studies in the laboratory of Wolfgang Baumeister in Martinsried/Munich on correlative cryo-FM/EM microscopy at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, designing hardware and software tools for the workflow. Afterward, she joined Stefan Hell's laboratory in Goettingen at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry. There, her Ph.D. studies were focused on applied optics and tool development, combining two advanced light microscope technologies (4Pi-RESOLFT nanoscopy). After her Ph.D. in Physics, she joined the NIH/NCI in Bethesda as a postdoctoral fellow to develop and combine imaging and bio-molecular techniques to understand how gene expression works (single-molecule imaging, transcription imaging).
From 2019 onward, she worked as a research specialist at the HHMI Janelia Research Campus in Ashburn, Virginia, USA. There, she built and modified advanced optical systems (iPALM, Lattice Light Sheet Microscope, SiMView Light Sheet Microscope, Aberration Corrected Multifocal Microscope, MOSAIC, etc.), consulted and assisted (inter)national visitors with their imaging sessions at pre-commercial microscopes of Janelia's Advanced Imaging Center and other systems on campus and their respective data management and analysis workflows, organized and taught imaging/microscopy workshops and further developed/implemented image/data analysis strategies for users from around the world.
Since March 2022, she has worked as an optical scientist and project team lead at ZEISS in Oberkochen, Germany. Here, she is part of the Corporate Research & Technology team working on the latest optical trends for imaging, metrology, lithography, quantum technology, and digitalization.
Furthermore, she is a huge advocate for open science/education and women/diversity in science.
Vorträge / Referenzen:
Im alpha-Forum extra von der 66. Tagung der Nobelpreisträger in Lindau spricht Moderatorin Sabrina Staubitz mit der Bundesbildungsministerin Johanna Wanka und Wissenschaftlerinnen aus verschiedenen Fachdisziplinen.
Aimed at the accredited journalists, select media partners of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings will present a “press talk” to cover topical issues of wide interest. A panel of Nobel Laureates, young scientists, and expert guests will discuss the given topic with each other and then take questions from the audience.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
The focus talk and workshop "Establishing a brand online" was given online and onsite during the “7th Max Planck Symposium for Alumni and Early Career Researchers” at the Harnack-Haus in Berlin, Germany, on September 26 & 27, 2022.
During the presentation, I gave the students an overview of the importance of personal branding and how to go about it.
Abstract: Can a recruiter quickly find your latest scientific breakthroughs online? Are you even in charge of your digital twin at all? How can you effectively shape your online presence to be noticed and land your dream job? During my workshop, “Establishing a brand online,” I will share tips and tricks with Max Planck Society alumni and early career researchers for networking and job hunting in our digitalized world by creating a brand online. You will learn more about the main benefits of having an online brand, which tools and platforms you can use to get started, and what you need to keep in mind to do it as efficiently as possible to land your dream job.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch